NEW FEATURES Skyward Business Suite: Finance & HR Janet Kundinger, CCS Team Manager
Enhance Check Request Approval: Similar to Purchasing Approvals 3597353 Check Request Approval Enhancements The check request approval was rewritten to use the new approval system, and now works similar to the newer Purchasing Requisition and Expense Reimbursement Approval processes. Approve and Reroute Functionality (2306347) Account Group Approvals (2606483) When enabled, check requests using the accounts within the account group require additional approval from the account group approver Auto Approval Options (3461114, 2571462, 1760772, 2301378) Auto Approval option for Req/PO Groups. Rules can be set up by amount or entered by Mobile Approval Add Check Request Approvals to the mobile app, functioning similar to the mobile requisitions approvals
Account Group Approvals PR 3625659 - Account group approvals (June Release) When enabled, check requests using the accounts within the account group require additional approval from the account group approver When enabled, check requests using the accounts identified in the account group will require additional approval from the account group approver
Configuration to approve check requests separately for each account group If you edit an account group, you will get this browse to set up separate check request account group approvals.
Account group approvers can be added here
Approve & Reroute Check Requests PR 3629661 - Approve and Reroute Functionality Configuration to enable reroute functionality
Approvers added here can be selected as a person to re-route to.
Approvers will see an ‘Approve & Reroute’ checkbox in the Check Request approval screen
Users will see an ‘Awaiting Rerouted Approval’ status in the check request approval history area
Check Request Mobile Approvals PR 3629697 - Mobile Approvals (Future) (Future Enhancement) Add Check Request approvals to the mobile app functioning similar to mobile requisition approvals
Move Time Sheets to History Utility: Add Preview and Update Option PR 2996546 - Added a Preview and Update option to the Move Time Sheets to History Utility (Feb Add 8)
When processing the Move Time Sheets to History utility, users will see a preview screen before updating changes
Records that will be updated can be previewed in the browse
Mobile Time Sheet Submission: Submit Time Sheet Through Mobile App PR 3611681 - Mobile Time Sheet submission (June Add 3) 3616485 MB\TO\TT Update Mobile Time Sheet browse to multiple tabs Users are now able to Submit timesheets on a Mobile device At this time, submitting time sheets on mobile app: ***Will not work for site if they have these TT configurations setup: - They are set up to use 'rules over/under hours’ - Use Comp time - Create TO automatically when short on TT hours **Comp Time is still under development.
Employees can view and submit unsubmitted time sheets in the ‘Unsubmitted’ tab - After clicking on one of the unsubmitted time sheets, the employee will see a submit button in the next browse. - The next browse will display the employees time sheet summary and daily totals. Notes can be entered.
Employees will see a ‘Submit’ button and ‘Submission Note’ section at the top of this screen - When clicking on an unsubmitted time sheet, the employee will see a browse similar to this. There will be a ‘Submit’ button and a ‘Submission’ note section at the top of this screen. Submission notes are optional. **The final submission screen may differ. This is just a mock up.
Add Depreciation Calculation Validation Fixed Assets Import: Add Depreciation Calculation Validation PR 3619121 - Depreciation validation for Fixed Asset import has been added (Feb Add 9)
If default depreciation fund is not set up, the validation of accounts requiring to match this fund will provide a warning message
A warning is displayed if a newly imported record is flagged to be depreciated, but has a quantity other than one
When the absolute value of the remaining depreciation (Original Value minus Salvage Value minus Beginning Depreciation) is less than one, the difference is added to the Beginning Depreciation
Assets flagged to be depreciated with a non-zero remaining value but a life remaining of zero will be increased to one
Fully depreciated assets with remaining life in years will have their remaining years set to zero during import
Warning messages will inform users when the calculated depreciation per year does not match with imported numbers System will compare these numbers: Original Cost, Salvage Value, Beginning Depreciation, Asset Years in Life and Asset Years remaining.
Fixed Assets Import: Import By Vendor ID 3618448 Added Vendor Field to Fixed Assets Import - (3/8/2018) -This will help when using the import for conversion purposes, since customers often have the old vendor ID attached to the assets. Import By Vendor ID
Fixed Assets Import: Create Codes From File 3618466 Added the Option to Create Code Table Record for Fixed Assets Import - (3/8/2018) -The software will create the following code table records during the import if the record does not exist: Type, Condition, Department, Floor, Room. Import Preview will provide warnings for all new codes that will be added
Applies to the addition record created for new assets Fixed Assets Import: Applies to the addition record created for new assets Add Fiscal Year Field 3618568 Added a Fiscal Year Field to Fixed Assets Import - (3/8/2018) -This will help when using the import for conversion purposes, since customers may need the addition records for different fiscal years
New Sub Tracking 3rd Party Interface: ReadySub Vendor 3682412 - New Sub Tracking 3rd Party interface: ReadySub (Feb Add 11 import format now available 3699135 - New Sub Needed Option for "ReadySub" is currently in development
ReadySub default third party import file layout is now available in Sub Tracking You may [1] Create Test Import File (optional) and then [2] Select the ReadySub format (user can clone the cross references from whatever file layout was being used previously)
3699135 - New Sub Needed Option: "ReadySub" is currently in development ReadySub vendor is currently in the process of being added to the Sub Needed option in Employee Access
Preferred Business Solutions New eCommerce Vendor: Preferred Business Solutions 3652251 – Added new eCommerce vendor: Preferred Business Solutions (June Add 1)
New eCommerce Vendor: Kaplan Early Learning 3581274 – Added new eCommerce Vendor: Kaplan Early Learning - (2/8/2018)
New eCommerce Vendor: Ables-Land 3568269 – added new eCommerce Vendor: Ables-Land - (2/1/2018)
Add Highest Degree and Degree State Codes HR Data Mining: Add Highest Degree and Degree State Codes 3646949 – Degree Code added to Employee Data Mining Added the Degree State Code field to Data Mining in the following two places: 1. Personnel folder - Highest Degree State Code 2. Degrees folder - Degree State Code
Require Custom Forms Option Task Manager: Require Custom Forms Option 3486391 Task Manager should Require Form Completion - (2/1/2018) -We have some task manager tasks where employees do not open and complete the form before moving it on to the next task. An option has been added that would require a form to be completed before the task can be moved to the next task. -Every custom form/screen is set, individually, to require or not require completion. This also applies to HTML forms, even though those cannot be completed through Skyward’s system. -Note: There can be a maximum of ten custom forms/screens selected for a step. A custom screen, advanced custom form, or HTML form can be selected, and these are set up in WH\EP\PS\CF\CF\MS. -For a step without sub steps, selected custom forms/screens are listed in the General tab. For each form that was set up as required, a checkbox is displayed on the same line. -Note that even if custom forms are marked as complete for the step that the current user is working on, that will have no effect on other users that may be assigned to this task. Also, if the task is reassigned, then the user that is reassigned to it will have to open and mark each of the forms as complete regardless of what the person reassigning it has done. Ensure required forms are completed by employees assigned to Task Manager steps
Form must be opened before it can be marked complete Must be marked complete to move to next step 3486391 Task Manager Should Require Form Completion - (2/1/2018) -We have some task manager tasks where employees do not open and complete the form before moving it on to the next task. Added an option that would require a form to be completed before the task can be moved to the next task. -Every custom form/screen is set, individually, to require or not require completion. This also applies to HTML forms, even though those cannot be completed through Skyward’s system. -Note: There can be a maximum of ten custom forms/screens selected for a step. A custom screen, advanced custom form, or HTML form can be selected, and these are set up in WH\EP\PS\CF\CF\MS. -For a step without sub steps, selected custom forms/screens are listed in the General tab. For each form that was set up as required, a checkbox is displayed on the same line. -Note that even if custom forms are marked as complete for the step that the current user is working on, that will have no effect on other users that may be assigned to this task. Also, if the task is reassigned, then the user that is reassigned to it will have to open and mark each of the forms as complete regardless of what the person reassigning it has done.
General Inputs Custom Tab Order: Added to Journal Entry, Budget Revisions, and Budget Transfer 3375918 Added Tab Order to JE, Budget Revisions and Transfer - (2/22/2018) -Added tab order customization options so that when you’re adding detail lines, the system customizes the order of the fields the cursor goes into as you tab through the fields -Previously on AP Invoices and Cash Receipts and Purchase Orders -Now added to Journal Entries and Budget Revisions/Transfers
View Custom Forms In Employee Access: View Advanced and Multiple Form Custom Forms 3589277 View Button Added to Employee Access Custom Forms - (1/25/2018) -When a custom form is setup as multiple forms per employee and is configured as view only in Employee Access, there is no view button in Employee Access to open the form. You can only view the info in the browse. -A View button has been added to the custom form screens in Employee Access for advanced custom forms and multi-entry custom forms.
Create All Accounts Performance Tune Up: 3556846 Modifications to Create All Accounts Process - (1/25/2018) -On a database with a few hundred thousand accounts, the database was reading through 50 million records and the execution time for this process was 7 hours -Now, on that same database, the system only reads through 2 million records and the execution time is cut down to 1 hour Improved Processing Time!
Payroll Worksheet Clone Button: Ability To Clone Individual Detail Line 3570016 Worksheet Entry now has Clone - (2/1/2018) -Enhanced the Payroll Worksheet entry screen to allow individual worksheet detail lines to be cloned by adding a clone button to the Payroll Worksheet entry screen. This button will duplicate the selected record and allow edit of all fields in the Updateable Information area.
Monthly Totals By Employee Report: Provide pay, deduction, and benefit totals by employee with grand totals at the end of the report Monthly Totals By Employee Report: 3570016 Worksheet Entry now has Clone - (2/1/2018) -Enhanced the Payroll Worksheet entry screen to allow individual worksheet detail lines to be cloned by adding a clone button to the Payroll Worksheet entry screen. This button will duplicate the selected record and allow edit of all fields in the Updateable Information area.
Professional Development: Awaiting Approval Widget 2980131 Professional Development Awaiting Approval Widget - (4/5/2018)
Professional Development: Denial notes will now display on email notifications Denial Notes 2272385 Show Professional Development Reason for Denial on Email Notification - (2/1/2018) -When a professional development pre-approval is denied, denial notes entered on the ‘Approve/Deny Professional Growth Request’ will now be displayed on the email notifications.
Scan Multiple Pages into a Single Document: 3596972 Update PaC Scanning to Scan Multiple Pages - (1/25/2018) -While scanning from PaC you will now receive a message to scan another page. This will allow you to scan multiple pages into one document.
SBAA Check Request Requires Esign: 2910564 Password on SBAA Esign - (3/22/2018) -Previously when using eSign for SBAA checks, there was no password before printing checks. This password option existed in other areas, including SBAA POs, regular Po’s and regular checks -If you have not established a password for the digitized signature, users will receive a message during check printing indicating that a password has not been defined. With this enhancement, a password must be defined in order to print checks with signatures. Users must enter this password when printing SBAA Check Requests
Option For Negative Values SBAA Reports: Option For Negative Values 2066077 Added an Option For (-) or CR on SBAA Account Activity Report - (2/8/2018) -Reports in SBAA have been updated with a sign option for negative amounts. Previously, the report listed negative amounts with a CR; the new option includes a leading or trailing negative sign as options. - 3571971, 3571981, 2066077
Display Fixed Assets in Employee Access: 3480549 Assets in Employee Profile in Employee Access - (2/1/2018) -We now show the assets that are tied to the employee in employee access.
Ability To Edit 1099 Flag On Historical Invoices Web Invoices: Ability To Edit 1099 Flag On Historical Invoices 3678105 - Users can now edit the 1099 flag on historical invoices on the Web. View an invoice in ‘History’ status. In the ‘AP Invoice Accounting’ section, there will be an ‘Update Accounts’ button for YMA and NMA layouts if the user have security access. When editing history invoices with YDA layout, the Edit Account Distribution link on the detail node and the Accounts for Selected Detail button will be available. On the update account distribution screen, all input fields are disabled EXCEPT for the 1099 selection. Changes to anything besides the 1099 type is not allowed for history invoices. Error messages will not be produced for inactive accounts on save.
View historical invoices to change 1099 type The ‘Update Accounts’ button for YMA and NMA layouts is available if the user have security 3678105 - Users can now edit the 1099 flag on historical invoices on the Web. View an invoice in ‘History’ status. In the ‘AP Invoice Accounting’ section, there will be an ‘Update Accounts’ button for YMA and NMA layouts if the user have security access. When editing history invoices with YDA layout, the Edit Account Distribution link on the detail node and the Accounts for Selected Detail button will be available. On the update account distribution screen, all input fields are disabled EXCEPT for the 1099 selection. Changes to anything besides the 1099 type is not allowed for history invoices. Error messages will not be produced for inactive accounts on save.
3678105 - Users can now edit the 1099 flag on historical invoices on the Web. View an invoice in ‘History’ status. In the ‘AP Invoice Accounting’ section, there will be an ‘Update Accounts’ button for YMA and NMA layouts if the user have security access. When editing history invoices with YDA layout, the Edit Account Distribution link on the detail node and the Accounts for Selected Detail button will be available. On the update account distribution screen, all input fields are disabled EXCEPT for the 1099 selection. Changes to anything besides the 1099 type is not allowed for history invoices. Error messages will not be produced for inactive accounts on save. The ‘Update Accounts’ button will only allow users to update the 1099 type
Add Change History tab for Bank Names & Bank Cash Accounts Social Security Number Verification- export/import option allowing users to verify names and SSNs of employees against SSA records 3768354- Develop Change History for Bank Cash Accounts - When they expand a bank name OR bank cash account record, they will see a ‘Change History’ section that will track all changes. 3793013, 3554829- export/import for SSN Verification **SSA stands for ‘Social Security Administration’. - This will be helpful during ACA Reporting. Districts will be able to check their employee names/SSN first before submitting their files to the IRS.