Breeds of Poultry AGSC 102
Who ate breakfast this morning? What did you have? When was the last time you had cake, cookies, or pie? What do all these things have in common? How many eggs do you eat per year? How many eggs does a chicken produce?
Today we will… Identify characteristics of major poultry breeds. Describe origin and uses of major poultry breeds. Compare and Contrast various poultry breeds. Examine eggs and poultry cuts.
Oklahoma State University Animal Science Department
Today we will discuss CHICKENS! Breeds: White Leghorn White Leghorn Road Island Red Road Island Red Araucana Araucana Brahma Brahma Crevecoeur Crevecoeur
White Leghorn: Standard Weights: Cock-6 pounds; Hen- 4-1/2 pounds; Cockerel -5 pounds; Pullet-4 pounds. Skin Color: Yellow. Egg Shell Color: White. Use: An egg-type chicken Origin: Leghorn, Italy
Road Island Red: Standard Weights: Cock- 8-1/2 pounds; Hen-6-1/2 pounds; Cockerel-7-1/2 pounds; Pullet-5-1/2 pounds. Skin Color: Yellow. Egg Shell Color: Brown Use: Dual purpose used more for egg production Origin: New England states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island,
Araucana: Origin: South America Egg Shell Color: Blue to Greenish Uses: Ornamental Crossed with other U.S. breeds
Brahma: Standard Weights (Light): Cock-12 pounds; Hen-9- 1/2 pounds; Cockerel-10 pounds; Pullet-8 pounds. Standard Weights (Dark and Buff): Cock-1 1 pounds; Hen-8-1/2 pounds; Cockerel-9 pounds; Pullet-7 pounds. Skin Color: Yellow. Egg Shell Color: Brown. Use: Meat. Fair egg layers. Origin: China
Crevecoeur: Very rare, Crested breed, Solid black in color, Crevecoeurs are strictly an ornamental fowl.
Activity: Candle Eggs Identify Cuts of Chicken
Review??? What are the types of poultry? Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chickens What are the breeds of chickens as discussed today? White Leghorn Road Island Red Araucana Brahma Crevecoeur Describe each breed.
Today we… Identified characteristics of major poultry breeds. Described origin and uses of major poultry breeds. Compared and Contrasted various poultry breeds. Examined eggs and poultry cuts.
Tomorrow… Unit Test Dont forget to study!
References… Oklahoma State University ANSC Dept.