NY-503 Albany County Coalition on Homelessness


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Presentation transcript:

NY-503 Albany County Coalition on Homelessness Presented by – CARES oF NY, Inc. June 2018 Unified funding agency (UFA) STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES: an introduction & REVIEW Hello – I’m Maggie Watson, UFA Coordinator with CARES of NY. In this webinar, I’ll provide a brief overview of the ACCH Unified Funding Agency (UFA) Standard Operating Procedures manual which was developed specifically for CoC funded agencies, the ACCH Board, the Fiscal Advisory Committee and key community stakeholders. As Collaborative Applicant and UFA grantee, CARES believes it our responsibility to make the transition into Unified Funding Agency status a community-centered and transparent process, and developed this webinar with that in mind.

GOALS Introduce the UFA Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Manual by: Explaining the reason for its development Providing an overview of each section Highlighting key points within the SOP Because the Unified Funding Agency structure is complex, CARES plans to produce a series of webinars to cover specific topics in more detail. This presentation provides an overview of the ACCH UFA Standard Operating Procedures in a brief, succinct format. We will not go into depth on any one subject or section of the SOP - future webinars will provide further details. CARES, with feedback from the Fiscal Advisory Committee, drafted the Standard Operating Procedures manual (which going forward will be referred to as the SOP). The SOP provides guidance, and policies & procedures to ensure an efficient and streamlined transition into UFA designation. The policies and procedures are intended to provide structure and controls to the Continuum-wide program, and to meet regulatory requirements set forth by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 2

UNIFIED FUNDING AGENCY (UFA): Definition Before diving into the SOP, let’s review the basic concept of a Unified Funding Agency and how UFA designation impacts the Continuum. The images on your screen provide snapshots of how a Continuum operates with and without UFA designation. WithOUT UFA-distinction, HUD maintains individual contracts with each CoC-funded agency per project within a Continuum. When a Collaborative Applicant (selected by a Continuum and approved by HUD) becomes a Unified Funding Agency, HUD establishes a single contract with the UFA on behalf of the entire Continuum. In turn, CoC agencies sign subrecipient agreements per project with the UFA. In the next webinar – we will discuss in further detail the benefits of UFA designation for HUD, CoC agencies and projects, and most importantly, our clients. As an important aside, CARES’ became the sixth Collaborative Applicant to be awarded UFA designation in the nation. CARES believes UFA designation as the beginning of a wave into the future for all high-performing Continuums. That said, UFA status is not permanently conferred on any Continuum. The Collaborative Applicant must re-apply for UFA status each NOFA funding cycle. 3

UFA STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOP) MANUAL Includes the following sections: UFA Overview and Background UFA Operating System Financial Management Policies & Procedures UFA Project Monitoring Appendices Please keep in mind that during the transition period – through August of 2019 - the SOP is considered a living, breathing document – a working draft. The SOP will be reviewed on an annual basis thereafter. The Table of Contents is intended to serve as a roadmap for readers use as a reference – to find topics as questions may arise throughout the contract year, as well as for any new members joining the Continuum over time. The SOP opens with a brief summary of the UFA program, and each of the four sections to follow include a brief introduction outlining the purpose and content within. 4 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

UFA SOP SECTION I: UFA OPERATING SYSTEM UFA Grant Administration Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders Section I describes the UFA Operating System, and details the roles and responsibilities of HUD, CARES – as Collaborative Applicant and UFA, CoC-funded Agencies (UFA Subrecipients) and stakeholders in the NY-503 Albany City & County Continuum of Care (CoC). 5

UFA SOP SECTION II: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND POLICIES & procedures Fiscal Requirements of UFA Subrecipients Reimbursement Procedures (Vouchering Process) Redirecting Funds Section II outlines CARES’ fiscal policies and procedures (as UFA) for contracting with and reimbursing subrecipients. 6

UFA SOP SECTION III: PROJECT MONITORING Fiscal Monitoring / Audit Requirements and Recommendations Programmatic Review Processes Managing High-Risk Projects Section III outlines CARES’ procedures for monitoring subrecipient agencies, and for managing high-risk agencies and poor performers. 7

UFA SOP SECTION IV: APPENDICES Appendices include: A. Glossary of Commonly Used Terms B. CARES UFA Team Contact Information C. CARES UFA Team Organizational Chart D. CoC Project Descriptions The Appendices are intended to provide information which may or may not be new to stakeholders – information which we hope you will grow familiar and comfortable with over time. Please note that the award amounts appearing with project descriptions in Appendix D reflect 12 month contract budgets to commence in FY18 or September 1st 2019. 8

Next Steps: Future Webinars Part I: The Unified Funding Agency Operating System Part II: Financial Policies & Procedures Part III: Project Monitoring So there is the CARES UFA SOP in a nutshell. We hope to produce future webinars to cover each section of the SOP in greater depth. Please keep in mind the the SOP is a work in progress, as are webinars which we create based on your questions and feedback. So feel free to share your thoughts! 9