A, Sagittal SS-FSE T2-weighted image in a 25-gestational-week-old fetus demonstrates agenesis of the corpus callosum as well as a small pons.B, Axial SS-FSE T2-weighted image demonstrates abnormally shallow Sylvian fissures for gestational age. A, Sagittal SS-FSE T2-weighted image in a 25-gestational-week-old fetus demonstrates agenesis of the corpus callosum as well as a small pons.B, Axial SS-FSE T2-weighted image demonstrates abnormally shallow Sylvian fissures for gestational age. O.A. Glenn, and J. Barkovich AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2006;27:1807-1814 ©2006 by American Society of Neuroradiology