St Christopher Primary School Welcome to Reception 17th June 2019
Aims for tonight To collect completed documentation. To share some information about your child’s time in Reception. To inform you about Induction.
Staffing Miss Henry – Early Years Leader Miss Kemble– Class Teacher Miss Bryson- Class Teacher Mrs Akhtar – Teaching Assistant Mrs Stapleton – Teaching Assistant
Characteristics of Learning Learning in Reception Characteristics of Learning Playing & exploring Active learning Creating & thinking critically
Learning in Reception Prime areas Personal, Social & Emotional Development Physical Development Communication and Language
Learning in Reception Specific areas Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design
Learning in Reception Records and Reporting On Entry Assessments – Linked to previous Settings On going Assessment Phone call in Autumn Term Face to face meeting / mid year report in Spring Term Face to face meeting / end of year report in Summer Term Good Level of Development (GLD)
GDPR (Data Protection) Policy is available to view on the school website Google Forms – consent for photos/website/twitter/local trips Letter in your pack 2 choices per day Bring back in on July 5th Children can change meals We know things taste different Sandwich options each day too
Parent / Carer Partnership On-going liaison and communication Sharing learning School website and Twitter feed Keeping us informed – update via Sims Parent App Weekly newsletter
Transition/ Moving On Day 3rd July – Stay and Play Sessions - classes St Christopher Nursery to Reception Transition New to school transitions Visits/Calls to current settings
Home Visits
We may feel it is best to adjust the induction process for your child We may feel it is best to adjust the induction process for your child. This will be discussed with you individually should the need arise.
PE Kit Not needed until later in the year
Lunch Time Universal Free School Meals Menu Choices High Quality Transition into Lunchtime Letter in your pack 2 choices per day Bring back in on July 5th Children can change meals We know things taste different Sandwich options each day too
Developing Independence Looking after their things Using a knife and fork Getting to know lots of people
Pupil Premium Form
Before you leave… Make sure you take your pack Catering and Uniforms Playpals PTA Early Help Co-ordinator
See you on Wednesday 3rd July Thank you!