Clore Social Leadership Journey Jenni Wood CEO Durham County Carers Support
Experienced Leader Programme Effectively communicate and influence Enabler of staff and volunteers Provide vision and strategic direction Collaboration “Finding the time to dedicate to developing the confidence, skills, networks and learning is the greatest barrier”
Programme Twelve month leadership journey Changing role and expectations of leadership Need confident, empowered and resilient leaders to drive change and deliver impact- “Act as Champions” Social Leader Capabilities Framework to develop inspirational, empowering, courageous, focused, passionate and generous capabilities Time for reflection, learning and challenge
Capabilities Framework
Programme 360 review Discover Programme One day learning event Action Learning Online Coaching Residential Webinars Challenge Peer Mentor/ Coach
Outcomes Increased self awareness of strengths and development needs Increased resilience Deeper understanding of how I work with and through others Lasting Peer Network- challenge and support Tangible leadership behaviour change Improved personal effectiveness Tools and techniques to grow other leaders Motivation, resilience and outputs of whole organisation Access to new opportunities in future
Start with “Why” Simon Sinek- Ted Talk Missing person Goal Setting 360 reflections Communications Theories/ practical Imposter syndrome Learn from others- Action Learning Challenge myself
Best Bits People, People, People Re energised Problem solving- I have the answers (most of the time) Self Care Coaching skills Action Learning Networks Goal setting
What has changed Be the best I can be- Compassionate Leader Give and receive better, more constructive feedback Self Care prioritised Comfortable in role as Influencer Coaching course- continuing Action Learning Confidence and self belief Future plans