Morphological features of the different MN pools.


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Presentation transcript:

Morphological features of the different MN pools. Morphological features of the different MN pools. A, Representative examples of reconstructed MNs filled with neurobiotin. The position and orientation within the spinal cord segments (gray area) are represented with somas (black), axons (blue), and dendrites (red). B, Geometric maps of dendritic and axonal arbors of different MNs. The dendritic processes were aligned to the soma position with dotted concentric circles separated by 20 μm distance for Sholl analysis. C, Two-dimensional contour maps of dendritic arbors expressed as line density based on the digitized images after a Gaussian blur smoothing. Percentages refer to line density with 100% as maximum line density. D, Sholl analysis of the reconstructed MNs. The number of dendritic intersections plotted as a function of radial distance from the soma. The peak of the intersection curve lying ∼20–40 μm from the soma. Vertical bars represent SEM. Konstantinos Ampatzis et al. J. Neurosci. 2013;33:10875-10886 ©2013 by Society for Neuroscience