Chapter 5 Selection and placement
1. Selection Selection The process through which organizations make decisions about who will or will not be allowed to join the organizations.
The process of selection Recruiting candidates Screening applications and resumes Testing and reviewing work samples Interviewing job candidates Checking references and background Making a selection
2. Types of Selection methods Job applications and resumes Interview Tests Work samples References and Biographical data
Job applications and resumes Application for employment Personal data… Do you have any relatives here? if yes, give name, relationship, and location. Are you able to travel as required for the position sought? … Are there geographical areas which you would prefer or refuse? Starting salary expected Job applications and resumes Resumes Job applications A resume should include: personal data ; work experience; educational background; skills; certificates etc.
Interviews Interviewee Interviewer (job applicants) Directive interview (Structured interview) Nondirective interview Situational interview (p190) Behavior description interview (BDI) Stress interview Panel interview
BDI is experience-based: Trait evaluated Resolving conflict (p.190.) BDI is experience-based: Question: what was the biggest difference of opinion you ever had with your coworker? How did you resolve it? Future-oriented: Imagine you and a coworker disagree about -----,how would you resolve that situation?
宝洁公司 1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion. 2. Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted. 3. Describe a situation where you had to seek out relevant information, define key issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results. 4. Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others.
丰田 口头表达能力: 介绍自己;现有的工作责任等 应变能力 您为何要离开目前服务的这家公司?(答案可能是待遇或成长空间或人际氛围或其它,待回答完毕后继续发问 ) 情绪控制力(压力承受能力) 我们的工作与生活历程并不是一帆风顺的,谈谈您的工作或生活或求学经历中出现的挫折或低潮期,您是如何克服的? (如果回答无此经历,问)-------您的生活是不是太过于顺畅,成长中往往伴随着失败,您觉得自己的成长来自于哪些方面? 上进心与自信心 谈谈您求学经历中令您感到成功的事例及成功的因素
Cognitive ability tests Employment tests Physical tests Medical examination Cognitive ability tests
Cognitive ability tests(p195) (testing the mental capacities) Cognitive ability tests mainly measure different facets of cognitive ability, such as verbal comprehension, quantitative ability, reasoning ability etc.
3 dimensions of intelligence: Crystallized ability: Stanford-Binet Intelligence 15 subtests- 3 dimensions of intelligence: Crystallized ability: verbal reasoning; quantitative reasoning Fluid-analytic ability: pattern analysis; paper folding and cutting etc. Short-term memory: memory for digit; memory for sentences
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales (WAIS) WAIS test – 12subtest Info, Digit span; Vocabulary, Arithmetic, Comprehension, Similarities, Picture completion; Picture Arrangement; Block design; Object Assembly; symbol search ……
Raven’s Standard Progress Matrices
Cognitive ability tests(p195) Stanford-Binet Intelligence Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales (WAIS) Raven’s Standard Progress Matrices
Cognitive ability tests Employment tests Physical tests Medical examination Cognitive ability tests Personality tests
Personality tests(p197) 16 Personality Factor Questionnaires(16PF) (developed by R.B. Cattell)
Warmth (Reserved vs. Warm; Factor A) Reasoning (Concrete vs Warmth (Reserved vs. Warm; Factor A) Reasoning (Concrete vs. Abstract; Factor B) Emotional Stability (Reactive vs. Emotionally Stable; Factor C) Dominance (Deferential vs. Dominant; Factor E) Liveliness (Serious vs. Lively; Factor F) Rule-Consciousness (Expedient vs. Rule-Conscious; Factor G) Social Boldness (Shy vs. Socially Bold; Factor H) Sensitivity (Utilitarian vs. Sensitive; Factor I) Vigilance(Trusting vs. Vigilant; Factor L) Abstractedness (Grounded vs. Abstracted; Factor M) Privateness (Forthright vs. Private; Factor N) Apprehension (Self-Assured vs. Apprehensive; Factor O) Openness to Change (Traditional vs. Open to Change; Factor Q1) Self-Reliance (Group-Oriented vs. Self-Reliant; Factor Q2) Perfectionism (Tolerates Disorder vs. Perfectionistic; Factor Q3) Tension (Relaxed vs. Tense; Factor Q4)
16PF样题 当我见到邻居或新友争吵时,我总是: 任其自己解决 介于(A),(C)之间 予以劝解 在群众集会时,我: 我愿意作一个: 建筑工程师 不确定 社会科学研究者 阅读时,我喜欢选读: 自然科学书籍 不确定 政治理论书籍
Personality tests(p197) 16 Personality Factor Questionnaires(16PF) (developed by R.B. Cattell) Big five personality inventory(p197)
Big five inventory(p197) Extroversion: sociable; assertive; talkative Adjustment: emotionally stable, non-depressed. secure Agreeable: courteous, trusting, good natured; tolerant Conscientiousness: dependable; organized; achievement-o Inquisitiveness: curious; imaginative; broadly-minded
Personality tests(p197) 16 Personality Factor Questionnaires(16PF) (developed by R.B. Cattell) Big five personality inventory(p197) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
MBTI dimensions of personality Energy Introversion---Extroversion Information-gathering Sensing---Intuition Decision-making Thinking----Feeling Lifestyle Judging---Perceiving
Other tests Values test; EQ test (Emotional Quotient)(p199); Graphology Projection
EI (Emotional Intelligence)(p199) Self –awareness Self-regulation Danial Golemen Self -motivation Empathy Social skills
2. Types of Selection methods Job applications and resumes Interview Tests Work samples References and Biographical data
the managerial selection Work samples Widely used in the managerial selection Assessment Center(p201) Assessment centre The in-basket; The leaderless group discussion; Management game; Individual presentations; Objective tests; Structured interview
2. Types of Selection methods Job applications and resumes Interview Tests Work samples References and Biographical data
Summary of Toyota hiring process Orientation /application(1 hour) Objective: to explain the job and collect info. about job candidates Technical skill assessment Pencil/paper test General knowledge test (2hours) General maintenance test(6 hours) objective: to assess technical knowledge and potential
Summary of Toyota hiring process Interpersonal skill assessment Group and individual problem-solving activities (4hours) Production assembly simulations Toyota assessment Group interview and evaluation Objective: to discuss achievements Health assessment On-the-job observation
Q: How to evaluate the effectiveness of each selection method Q: How to evaluate the effectiveness of each selection method? (p172-190) Job applications and resumes Interview Tests Work samples References and Biographical data
3. Selection method standards Validity The extent to which performance on the measure is related to the performance on the job. (p.177) Validity coefficient 效度系数(p.177)
Criterion-Related Validation Two research methods we can use to study CRV Predictive validation Need to wait for some time period Concurrent validation Criterion-Related Validation 效标关联效度p.178 Use IQ test to select sales rep.
3. Selection method standards Reliability The consistency of a measure; The degree to which a measure is free from random error.(p.173) Test-retest reliability. (p.174)
3. Selection method standards Generalizability The degree to which the validity of a selection method established in one context extends to other context.
3. Selection method standards Utility The degree to which the information provided by selection methods enhances the effectiveness of selecting personnel in real organizations.
3. Selection method standards Legality(p185)
Validity Reliability Generalizability Utility Legality p205 Job applications and resumes Interview Tests Work samples References and Biographical data Reliability Generalizability Utility Legality p205
Selection method Validity GMA tests 0.51 Work sample tests* 0.54 Integrity tests' 0.41 Conscientiousness tests 0.31 Employment interviews (structured) Employment interviews (unstructured) 0.38 Job knowledge tests 0.48 Behavioral consistency method 0.45 Reference check 0.26 Biographical data measures 0.35 Assessment centers 0.37 Years of education 0.10
Intelligence(G); verbal aptitude(V); numerical GATB evaluate nine kinds of aptitudes: Intelligence(G); verbal aptitude(V); numerical ap(N); clerical perception(Q); spatial ap(S); form perception(P); motor coordination(K); finger dexterity(F) ; manual dextertiy(M) Aptitude required for some jobs/occupations: Intelligence-verbal-numerical 人文系统的职业 Intelligence-verbal-clerical 特别需要语言能力的职业 Intelligence-numerical-clerical 自然科学系统的专门职业
the framework of chapter 5 5 categories of 5 standards selection methods Job applications and resumes Interview( structured; situational…) Tests (Cognitive; Personality …) Work samples (Assessment centre) References and Biographical data Validity Reliability Generalizbility Utility Legality