Ireland Portalski What is not started today is never finished tomorrow- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
5 Year Goal Statement In five years, I picture myself being proactive in what is going on around me. I wish to participate in community service and giving back through the medical field. I will be able to continue my research skills and community service through the Honor’s College at Wayne State University. I see myself with a decent job for starting off at a young age. Finished with my first four years at a Wayne State University, I can see myself continuing my schooling at medical school. I see myself on my way to becoming a doctor. I am not set on what area of medicine. I will be helping out at a hospital too get experience and help others.
Contents Academic Achievement Section Intro ..\portfolio\Academic Focus.docx RésuméResume-Portalski.docx Transcripttranscript.jpg Skills and Developments Intro ..\portfolio\Skills and Development.docx Research (Freshman)freshrubric.jpg Research (Sophomore)sophrubric.jpg ..\Research Paper 10th.docx Product Report Product Realization Report.docx Carnival Project carnivalrubric.pdf Banning Tanning English Research paper English II essay on tanning.docx Personal & Social Development Sports Awards Girl Scouts References Achievements
Sports awards Dual and Division Champ Teamdualdivision.jpg Athletic Academic Award Cross Countryacademic.jpg JV Cross Country 2010-2011jvcross.jpg Varsity Track Participation 2010-2011track.jpg Track 2010-2011 Athletic Academic Awardvarsitytrack.jpg Track MAC Sportsmanshipmacommac.jpg Varsity Cross Country 2011-2012crosscountry.jpg
Achievements Wayne State Acceptance wayne.pdf MSU Future Doc’s Acceptance futuredoc.pdf Summa Cum Laude Letter summa.pdf
Girl Scouts Rededicationbronzeaward.jpg Bronze Award/ Rededication girlscouts.jpg