Overcoming Obstacles To Faithfulness Joseph - Overcoming Despair Defining “despair.” As a verb - “To lose all hope or confidence; to no longer have any hope or belief that a situation will improve or change.” As a noun - “An utter loss of hope.”
Overcoming Obstacles To Faithfulness Joseph - Overcoming Despair The ultimate cause for despair. The constant barrage of hardships that never seem to let up? The loss of hope!
Overcoming Obstacles To Faithfulness Joseph - Overcoming Despair How despair is often handled. Alcohol/drugs. Pursuit of things; physical pleasures. Pursuit of popularity/fame/notoriety. Suicide.
Overcoming Obstacles To Faithfulness Joseph - Overcoming Despair Joseph’s situation. Gen. 37:23-28 - Betrayal; abandoned. Gen. 39:10-20 - Slavery; prison. Gen. 40:9-15, 23 - Forgotten.
Overcoming Obstacles To Faithfulness Joseph - Overcoming Despair How Joseph avoided despair. He never lost his confidence and trust in God’s faithfulness. He believed God was always with him. He believed that God had a purpose for his life. He never lost hope.
Overcoming Obstacles To Faithfulness Joseph - Overcoming Bitterness Principles To Help Faithfulness In order to conquer despair, we must never stop hoping. It fills us with confidence. It keeps us active. It provides an anchor to our souls.
Overcoming Obstacles To Faithfulness Joseph - Overcoming Bitterness Principles To Help Faithfulness In order to conquer despair, we must never stop hoping. In order to have this kind of hope, we must always trust God, never doubting His faithfulness.