8th Mammalian Genes, Development and Disease Meeting Friday 4th July 2014, University of Bristol Keynote speaker: Professor Nicholas La Thangue MA, BSc, PhD, FRSE, FMedSci Department of Oncology, University of Oxford 'Epigenetics and the cancer cell cycle' Register at: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/cellmolmed/seminars/mgdd-040714.html This is a FREE meeting supported by the Genetics Society rotating through Bath, Bristol, and Cardiff Universities showcasing research relevant to mammalian systems. Early career researchers (new group leaders, post-doctoral fellows and PhD students) are encouraged to submit an abstract for a poster/15 minute presentation. There will be a prize for the best presentation. Abstract deadline 16th June 2014 REGISTRATION: enquiries-cellmolmed@bristol.ac.uk ORGANISERS: BRISTOL: Dr Karim Malik - K.T.A.Malik@bristol.ac.uk CARDIFF: Dr Rosalind John - JohnRM@cf.ac.uk BATH: Dr Andrew Chalmers - ac270@bath.ac.uk