Rick Soria, M.Ed rick.soria@doolittleinstitute.org 850-217-2317 GRANTS Rick Soria, M.Ed rick.soria@doolittleinstitute.org 850-217-2317
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"Ye have not, because ye ask not, and when you ask, you ask wrongly."
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Grants 101 Apply Think Explain Be Specific – Who / Why
Grants 101 Apply Think Explain Be Specific – Who / Why Be Specific – What
My Never-Ending Shopping List $411.95 8 $3,295.60 $0.00 $5,404.80 45300 20 WeDo 2.0 45300 $189.95 14 $2,659.30 $8,064.10 45303 WeDo Medium Motor 45303 $23.95 10 $239.50 $8,303.60 45304 WeDo Motion Sensor 45304 $8,543.10 SKU: ELT-OMS120HR2 YardMaster 2 Series 120" Portable Outdoor Projection Screen - Rear Projection $279.97 2 $559.94 $9,103.04 total $44,553.21
Grants 101 Apply Think Explain Be Specific – Who / Why Be Specific – What Don’t Know You
Grants 101 Apply Think Explain Be Specific – Who / Why Be Specific – What Don’t Know You Partnerships
Grants 101 Apply Think Explain Be Specific – Who / Why Be Specific – What Don’t Know You Partnerships After Action Reports
Grants 101 Apply Think Explain Be Specific – Who / Why Be Specific – What Don’t Know You Partnerships After Action Reports Volunteer
Grants 101 Apply Think Explain Be Specific – Who / Why Be Specific – What Don’t Know You Partnerships After Action Reports Volunteer Repeat
Register FLL Team on FIRST® website Use AIAA membership number to apply for Boeing grant on AIAA site New ($500) and existing teams ($250) may apply for grant If approved, check mailed to team
Rick Soria, M.Ed rick.soria@doolittleinstitute.org 850-217-2317 GRANTS Rick Soria, M.Ed rick.soria@doolittleinstitute.org 850-217-2317
rick.soria@doolittleinstitute.org www.defensewerx.org 850-226-4383 Contact Us rick.soria@doolittleinstitute.org www.defensewerx.org 850-226-4383