Prof. T. Dutoit eNTERFACE’05 chair eNTERFACE’05 Summer Workshop 10 Good reasons to come back to eNTERFACE workshops Prof. T. Dutoit eNTERFACE’05 chair
1 Unbeatable return for the investment Where else did you learn to do so many things in just 19 days of work? At what other occasion could you publish a 20pp workshop paper in four weeks? 8/12/2005
2 Do It Yourself clinic The older you get, the less time you have to do “real” work. eNTERFACE is THE place to be reborn to collaborative DIY! 8/12/2005
3 Future work Most of us should now be able to extend this seed work to further work, testing, collaborating, etc. 8/12/2005
publishing famous or patenting rich 4 Rich and Famous Future work publishing famous or patenting rich (or both :) 8/12/2005
5 Contacts Each of the 55 of us met 54 future famous scientists 54+53+…+1 = 55x54/2 =1485 connections! 8/12/2005
6 Tasting wild life in a foreign country Dead or alive, you got a free St- Feuillen tasting session; Ask our Croatian spy to know what you can expect in Dubrovnik… 8/12/2005
7 Social life SUMMER TIME SUMMER TIME 8/12/2005
8 Weather (a good reason to come back to Mons some time later: The weather was not great => can only be better next time you come to Mons Weather in Dubrovnik: no comparison! 8/12/2005
Your 9th good reason HERE You name it I could not find a 9th good reason, but I am sure you’ll find many Your 9th good reason HERE 8/12/2005
10 Because we want you to be our ambassadors Go and preach the un-eNTERFACED world 8/12/2005
Thanks! To project leaders! To you! (55 people from 15 countries) To our sponsors! 8/12/2005
Thanks! To them 8/12/2005
Today’s evening Where we are CITE Au Fil des Saisons, Rue F. Maréchal, Mons 8/12/2005