2019 – 2020 Dr. Mitchell & Mr. Richard 11th Grade Meeting 2019 – 2020 Dr. Mitchell & Mr. Richard
Counselor Alpha Breakdown Welcome Back! Admin Breakdown Counselor Alpha Breakdown 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade Ms. Jones Mr. Bulluck Ms. Polk Mr. Short Dr. Mitchell Mr. Richard Mr. Schlanger Ms. Munlin A – D E – K L – Re Rf – Z Magnet Counselor ELL Counselor Mr. Tinsley Ms. Fuller Mr. Burch Ms. Williams-Chandler Ms. Goldman Ms. Grannis
What Do we want Juniors to Learn? Personal Investment in Self School & Personal Effective Communication Conflict Resolution Skills Understanding Self Personal Strengths and Growth Areas Personal Learning Styles & Values School & Personal Pride Principle and Good Character What Do we want Juniors to Learn?
How do we know when you got it? Increased Engagement and Investment in Pebblebrook High School. Effective Communication through Self-Correction, Conflict Management, and Encouragement. Self-Reflection, Confidence, and Positive Behavior that leads to Academic and Personal growth. School Pride!
Interventions Conference Behavior and or Attendance Contract Progressive Discipline for Student Code of Violations Loss of Junior Privileges
Student Code of Conduct Verbal Altercation Any argument that disrupts the school, class, or school activity Physical Altercation Police charges Cumulative: 8th – 12th grade Parties to the Offense* Drugs, Alcohol, & Tobacco Violations Possession, consumption, or any degree of influence (intoxication is not required to be determined a violation) Buying, selling, distributing or attempting the previous Technology Offenses Recording staff or students (misbehaviors or violations of privacy)
Dress code All students of the Cobb County School System shall be required to maintain the level of personal hygiene necessary to ensure a healthy school environment and to refrain from any mode of dress which proves to contribute to any disruption of school functions. All students of the Cobb County School System are encouraged to observe a standard of grooming and dress consistent with the level of formality of the school situation. Administrators and teachers shall enforce the dress code policy. The principal or the principal's designee shall be the final judge as to the appropriateness, neatness, and cleanliness of the wearing apparel or whether or not the apparel is disruptive, distracting, or in violation of the dress code. -Cobb County School System
Important Reminders Deliveries Leaving Campus Hall Passes Personal deliveries (including flowers, balloons, food, and pizza) MAY NOT be made to you at school. Leaving Campus Students are not permitted to leave campus at any time unless they are checked out through the attendance office by a parent or guardian. Hall Passes Lanyards provided by teacher From Attendance Office 1st period only Dead time First and last15 minutes
Incentives School Spirit Field Trips Junior Day Junior Night Pep Rally Field Trips Local Venues College Tours Student Recognition and Celebration Morning Announcements Website & Social Media Spirit Gear Food!
The Road to Graduation Promotion or retention is based upon the successful completion of one unit in English, Math, Science and Social Studies and the successful completion of Carnegie units of credit at the end of each school year according to the following schedule: Credits Earned Grade 0 – 4 9th 5 – 9 10th 10 – 15 11th 16 plus 12th
Graduation Requirements English – 4 credits (including 9th Lit & American Lit) Mathematics – 4 credits (Algebra & Geometry) Science – 4 credits (including Biology, Physics, & Chemistry or Environmental Science) Social Studies – 3 credits (including World History, US, & Econ/Govt) Health/Personal Fitness 7 Electives (including at least 3 Career Tech or Arts) + 2 of same foreign language for 4- year college admission Total: 23 Credits
Grade Point Average Your GPA is sometimes used to see your overall high school average as a letter grade: 4.00 & higher = A Your number grades are written as letter grades. 3.00 to 3.99 = B Your letter grades are assigned a certain number 2.00 to 2.99 = C of quality points: 1.00 to 1.99 = D A = 4 points B = 3 points Below 0.99 = F C = 2 points D = 1 point F = 0 points The quality points for your courses are added and divided by the number of units taken.
Digital Progress Reports & Report Cards FIRST SEMESTER 6-week progress report distribution: September 20, 2019 12-week progress report distribution: November 8, 2019 First Semester Report Card distribution: January 10, 2020 SECOND SEMESTER 6-week progress report distribution: February 28, 2020 12-week progress report distribution: April 17, 2020 Second Semester Report Card Distribution: May 27, 2020
Important Dates PSAT Homecoming Dance Prom October 16, 2019 Saturday, October 12, 2019 7pm - 11pm Morgan Gym Prom Friday, March 20, 2020 $75 per ticket by Friday, 11/22/2019 $100 per ticket from 11/23/2019-2/28/2020 All sales are final and all prom tickets are nonrefundable. If you paid 9th, 10th or 11th grade dues in the past, see Ms. Harrell for your ticket price.
Herff Jones Junior Class Meeting Monday, October 7th Junior Ring Orders & Parent Night Monday, October 14th Ring Delivery Wednesday, February 26th
Make it count!