ARTISTE PMT Meeting September 14-115, 2000 Gert Presutti
WP1 Status and Assessment Budget and Cost Status Advisory Panel Issues/Risks and objective assessment 9/21/2019 ARTISTE Confidential
Budget and Cost Status (July) -1 9/21/2019 ARTISTE Confidential
Budget and Cost Status (July) -2 Project month 6 Complete BAC BCWS ACWP BCWP SPI CPI 55% 101,839.84 58,194.20 67,881.75 56,011.91 0.96 0.83 20% 248,570.90 27,813.98 49,218.98 49,714.18 1.79 1.01 36% 250,059.79 126,829.11 45,143.50 90,887.12 0.72 2.01 21% 391,859.21 78,371.84 69,194.71 80,556.63 1.03 1.16 22% 2,313,589.00 569,398.67 478,866.87 518,247.60 0.91 1.08 ARTISTE Project 26% 255,274.62 65,097.49 71,920.35 65,988.49 0.92 WP1 Project Management 468,739.47 113,013.54 129,419.33 96,074.36 0.85 0.74 WP2 User Requirements and Evaluation WP3 Data Capture 28% 110,537.95 43,135.83 12,942.92 31,352.58 0.73 2.42 WP4 Image Analysis Algorithms WP5 ORDBMS Technology 12% 351,729.00 45,488.88 28,762.50 43,819.22 1.52 WP6 Distributed Query and Metadata Layer 5% 134,978.21 11,453.80 4,382.82 7,198.84 0.63 1.64 WP7 Presentation Layer WP8 -systems Integration WP9 Exploitation and Dissemination Fine Take care Something wrong ?? 9/21/2019 ARTISTE Confidential
Project Plan overview 9/21/2019 ARTISTE Confidential
Advisory Panel Currently 15 members No specific review assignment Assign reviewer(s) to deliverable? Assign prototype testers/reviewers ? 9/21/2019 ARTISTE Confidential
Issues Resource reporting ARTISTE Task Reports still room for improvement… ARTISTE Task Reports lack of reporting results in misinformation to the EC task status incorrectly highlights not technically correct Changes in plan not reflected Cost Statement issue at hand cannot get reimbursed expenses delay progress reports may force the EC to request audit 9/21/2019 ARTISTE Confidential
The Customer-Supplier Model Your supplier customer Process Input Output C S Requirements and feedback 9/21/2019 ARTISTE Confidential
WP1 Objective assessment MO1 - To execute the project maximising project internal efficiency, and ensuring that the direction of the project is user lead Assessment: No indication on “off track”, but improvement is possible Establishment of goals for each user partner supports this objective. However, there is room for improvements with respect to maximising the internal communication. Also, deliverables have started to be delayed. 9/21/2019 ARTISTE Confidential
WP9 - Exploitation Exploitation plan completed Review comments from Advisory Panel Ken Hamma “The Exploitation Plan seems to point to one of the major difficulties of such a consortia project involving commercial and not-for-profit entities.” “The VAM and Uffizi plans are completely reasonable, if thin in description, from the point of view of not-for-profit entities interested (and rightly so) in the public responsibility that comes with the collections and conservation burdens they own. But when set next to those of NCR and others as presented here, I am left with the question: to what extent is the good will of these institutions being taken advantage of in this project to the extent that their efforts provide the basis for functionality of a system that apparently will then be sold back to them and other museums?” 9/21/2019 ARTISTE Confidential
WP9 Exploitation Review Comments from AP (continued) Marco Bergometti Generally speaking it appears unbalanced, in the sense that, it's true that the interests of the partners are different but , for example the UoS IAM and C2RMF exploitation plans seems too poor if , for example, compared with that of Interactive Labs. Again generally speaking it seems that too many partners are willing to sell the same ARTISTE system to the same Clients, the Museums or the art publishers. Pay attention to produce a Consortium Agreement taking into consideration the possible overlapping. The Appendix A, product and market definition sounds well done , rich and comprehensive. 9/21/2019 ARTISTE Confidential
WP9 Exploitation During the project lifetime negotiation and various ways of co-operation should be investigated and additional agreements should be established... 9/21/2019 ARTISTE Confidential
WP9 Objective assessment Exploitation BO1 - Identify how the technical systems developed in the project can be deployed and exploited in a number of sectors Assessment: On track. The representation in the Advisory Panel and the broad representation in the AIUG show that there is a very broad interest to our results. Investigation of the deployment possibilities in these sectors has not yet been completed. The exploitation plan will address a subset of the sectors. 9/21/2019 ARTISTE Confidential
WP9 Objective assessment Exploitation BO2 - Establish business models that give the content owners direct control over the distributed representation, access and exploitation of digital multimedia content and metadata Assessment: On track Goals for the user partners have been collected in the requirements document (D2.1). Identified images in support of these goals are to be submitted for use in the prototypes. For some partners, the exploitation plan developed at this stage of the project reveals specific business models to be executed at the end of the project. 9/21/2019 ARTISTE Confidential
WP5 Status and future plans ORDBMS System established and small demo application developed Guide on usage of ORDBMS system delivered to user partner General information on ORDBMS system provided to partners Ongoing ORDBMS support to IT Innovation. New feature identified for usage in ARTISTE. Product update and a patch release provided to meet requirement. Future Plans Requirements analysis report (D5.1) Ongoing support as requested Upgrade of ORDBMS system to run on NCR equipment Set-up of ARTISTE shadow system at NCR to optimise partner support 9/21/2019 ARTISTE Confidential
WP5 objective assessment TO8 Build and prove the value of a robust and scalable integrated environment that incorporates the above components using an object-relational database Assessment: No indication on “off track” The objective is address by the successful completion of the final ARTISTE system. 9/21/2019 ARTISTE Confidential