Galatians 2
Putting faith in God is not a one time event where we make a decision and then go back to living however we think is best; it means making of our lives agree with God’s opinion on everything.
Faith is not an intellectual event, but a relational one Faith is not an intellectual event, but a relational one. It’s much less about knowledge than it is about character as we learn to experience trusting someone else more than we trust ourselves.
The temptation is to remove the relational nature of faith and make it about following a set of guidelines, rules, or structure. Sometimes we think it’s easier to create law and policy than to interpret character values and walk choice by choice throughout life!
Following Jesus isn’t about being right about everything, but representing Him well in anything. We only represent Him accurately if we know Him well, and we can only do that by being with Him.
All of this is what it means to “die to self” and be “reborn All of this is what it means to “die to self” and be “reborn.” We relearn what it means to live here, and our teacher who is showing us the New Creation way of life is Jesus, who is the Creator of everything, and therefore, trustworthy.