What is God Saying to You?
What is God Saying to You? Form groups of 4 to 6 people. Appoint a Leader and use the following questions for your group discussion. 1. Ask: “What has stressed you out in ministry? What needs to change for things to be better?” 2. Ask: “What new insight from this training are you thankful for?” 3. Say: “Review the Elements of the Process needed to have a Spontaneous Disciple Making ministry.” (Find them on Page 5 in your workbook)
What is God Saying to You? Ask someone to describe the Elements of the Process in their own words, as though they were explaining them to a friend who wasn’t here. Ask the group: “Do you agree with that description? Is there anything they left out that they shouldn’t have?” Ask: “What did this Spontaneous Disciple Making workshop teach us about God and His plan?”
What is God Saying to You? Ask: “What did this workshop teach us about our church and community?” Ask: “If we believe these new insights we learned in this training are from God, how must we change?” Ask: “Who are you going to share this Spontaneous Disciple Making Process with?” (Consider those on your Prayer Calendar – Pastors consider sharing with your church leaders and other Pastors)
What is God Saying to You? Note: This Spontaneous Disciple Making Process has been designed to be simple to pass on to other people. As you share this strategy with your friends and they are interested you could invite them to attend the next DCI Training Workshop.
What is God Saying to You? Even better would be to have them gather a group of other interested people (Just like with the Discovery Group Strategy) and share this training with them by reading through it together and help them implement the elements of the process in their church and community. Dynamic Churches International is also available to help you begin this process and also to train other people. (See Request form below)
Comments and Request for Help to Begin I believe God has spoken to me during this Training Comments: ________________________________ I would like to begin to develop a Spontaneous Disciple Making ministry using the Discovery Group Strategy. Could you please connect me with someone who I can pray with and who can help me if I have any questions? My Name: _________________________________ Address: __________________________________ Phone Number: ____________ Email ___________