‘Functional language’ Speaking
Expressing an opinion If you ask me…/ As for me The way I see it …. Personally, I think… I suppose/ I ‘d say that… If you want my opinion… Conceding an argument: Perhaps you’re right. OK, you win. You’ve convinced me.
Checking for Understanding See what I mean? What are you saying? You mean ….? what do you mean? what I’m trying to say Are you saying that…? Sorry, I didn’t catch that…
Showing Interest in a Conversation That’s interesting/ nice / amazing/ incredible Wow! Oh, I see. Right. No way! You’re joking! Really?
Expressing STRONG agreement I agree with you one hundred per cent. I couldn’t agree more. I totally agree with you I completely agree. That’s so true./ That’s a brilliant idea Absolutely. You’ re right Exactly .
Expressing Disagreement I totally disagree. (with you/ with this idea) No way! (slang) I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. Well, to be honest.. On the contrary.(formal) it’s out of the question
Expressing mild disagreement I agree with you up to a point. It sounds interesting, but… Yes, that’s a very good idea but…. Well yes but… That’s true but… You could be right. I get your point, but… Yes, I see your point but…
Making suggestions How about (verb in ING) trying a new marketing strategy? What about …..+ (VERB ending in ING )? What about the new products we launched? WHAT IF… we (verb in the past) tried a new strategy? Why not …? SHALL we try a new…..? I think we SHOULD … We ‘d better try a new marketing strategy We need to ……. / LET’S try a new…. Perhaps we could …? We COULD try a new ….