Data formats for beach litter, seafloor litter and micro-litter EMODnet Chemistry 3 annual meeting Roskilde, February 6th, 2018 M. Eugenia Molina Jack OGS Matteo Vinci OGS Alberto Brosich OGS Morgan Le Moigne IFREMER
Marine Beach Litter formats Guidelines and forms for gathering marine litter data (F. Galgani, A. Giorgetti, M. Le Moigne, A. Brosich, M. Vinci, M. Lipizer, E. Molina, N. Holdsworth, R. Schlitzer, G. Hanke, G. Moncoiffe, D. Schaap, G. Giorgi, 2017, Guidelines and forms for gathering marine litter data, 12/12/2017, 41 pp., DOI: 10.6092/15c0d34ca01a-4091-91ac-7c4f561ab508 ) Following the reference sources: Guidelines for Monitoring Marine Litter on the Beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area (2010) Guidance on Monitoring of Marine Litter in European Seas’ (Galgani et al., 2013) Format based on Ospar database for beach litter 2
Marine Beach Litter formats Data format for beach information (metadata) Field Description Example/Vocabs Mandatory Data type RefNo Beach ID FR000006 y char BeachName Country ISO countries reference code for the country that performed the survey. Beach geography Beach width at mean low spring tide (m) 450 int Beach width at mean high spring tide (m) 10 Total length of beach (m) 500 Back of beach Dunes Beach latitude Recommended format: Degree.Decimal Degree of latitude 48.038 float8 Beach longitude Recommended format: Degree.Decimal Degree of longitude 4.85 Coordinate system used Coordinate reference system used Date position measured Recommended format: YYYY-MM-DD 2014-12-01 date 3
Marine Beach Litter formats Data format for beach litter information (metadata) Includes information related to: Beach identification Beach geography Usage and access Nearest facilities Beach cleaning 4
Marine Beach Litter formats Data format for beach litter Field Description Example/Vocabs Mandat Data type RefNo Beach ID. If it doesn’t exist, can be created with the country code and consequtive numbering (8 digits) FR000006 y char BeachName Country ISO countries reference code for the country that performed the survey. Type of survey Cleaning/monitoring enum GPS coordinate Start (latitude) Recommended format: Degree.Decimal Degree of latitude 48.038 float8 GPS coordinate Start (longitude) Recommended format: Degree.Decimal Degree of longitude 4.85 GPS coordinate End (latitude) GPS coordinate End (longitude) 4.86 Coordinate system used Distance Length of the survey in meters Coordinates or Distance mandatory float 5
Marine Beach Litter formats After reviewing other data sources: Any length of survey New fields were added: Beach position Coordinate system used Type of beach Reference beach for litter monitoring Survey distance Type of survey Litter reference list used 6
Marine Beach Litter formats Data files Excel with all fields in columns OR csv tab delimited Files should be submitted to OGS RefNo BeachName Country Beach width at mean low spring tide (m) Beach width at mean high spring tide (m) Total length of beach (m) Back of beach Beach latitude Beach longitude FR001 FR 450 10 500 Dunes 48.038 4.85 7
Marine Sea Floor Litter formats Guidelines and forms for gathering marine litter data (F. Galgani, A. Giorgetti, M. Le Moigne, A. Brosich, M. Vinci, M. Lipizer, E. Molina, N. Holdsworth, R. Schlitzer, G. Hanke, G. Moncoiffe, D. Schaap, G. Giorgi, 2017, Guidelines and forms for gathering marine litter data, 12/12/2017, 41 pp., DOI: 10.6092/15c0d34ca01a-4091-91ac-7c4f561ab508 ) Following the reference sources: OSPAR Manual for the International Bottom Trawl Surveys (2012) and other survey protocols and reporting formats from ICES Library of Survey Protocols and Datras Documents Guidance on Monitoring of Marine Litter in European Seas’ (Galgani et al., 2013) Based on ICES database for seafloor litter 8
Marine Sea Floor Litter formats Data files Excel with all fields in columns OR csv tab delimited Files should be submitted to OGS Metadata: Survey Project_id Date Ship Gear Country Originator Collator StNo HaulNo CoordRefSys ShootLat ShootLong HaulLat HaulLong HaulDepth Distance WingSpread RO6972016000001 12239 2016-05-22 7301 OTB RO 697 1 43.9 28.733 43.866 28.716 39.2 4630 13 Data: LTREF PARAM LTSZC LTSRC TYPPL LTPRP UnitWgt LT_Weight UnitItem LT_Items Shot_timestamp HaulDur TSG-ML G192 15 SBS AO kg/haul 5.5 items/haul 1 2016-05-22T13:05:20Z 60 G170 16 LB CL6 3.65 G128 CL2 4.8 G51 SBF 2.6 G145 13 0.18 2 9
Marine Sea Floor Litter formats After reviewing first data in EMODnet format (NIRMD): Clarification of the guidelines was needed New fields were considered: Coordinate system used Haul depth instead of Bottom depth 10
Marine Sea Floor Litter formats Some practical specific indications will be included in the guidelines as an annex 11
Marine floating Micro-litter formats Proposal for gathering and managing data sets on marine micro-litter on a European scale (F. Galgani, A. Giorgetti, M. Vinci, M. Le Moigne, G. Moncoiffe, A. Brosich, E. Molina, M. Lipizer, N. Holdsworth, R. Schlitzer, G. Hanke, D. Schaap, 2017, Proposal for gathering and managing data sets on marine micro-litter on a European scale, 12/12/2017, 38 pp., DOI:10.6092/8ce4e8b7-f42c-4683-9ece-c32559606dbd) Reference source: Guidance on Monitoring of Marine Litter in European Seas’ (Galgani et al., 2013) Format presented and agreed with TG-ML, supporting EMODnet Chemistry initiative 12
Marine floating Micro-litter formats It was decided to adopt SeaDataNet data gathering and management approach as generally applied for marine data, i.e. populating metadata and data in the CDI Data Discovery and Access service. As for other kind of data, data collators will generate CDI and ODV files. As usual CDIs will be sent to Maris. Mikado software for CDI generation is ready to manage microlitter CDIs (Turkey test). NEMO and OCTOPUS will need an upgrade to manage litter ODVs. When NEMO and OCTOPUS are ready ODV will be generated and tested with them. In the meantime, manually generation will be needed. 13
Marine floating Micro-litter formats For microlitter CDI the ISO xml 19139 was used. There is an available example. For the generation of the CDI the following vocabularies have been updated: P02 TN TITLE SHORT_NAME DEFINITION UMLW Micro-litter in water bodies WC_Microlitter Parameters describing the abundance and nature of microscopic particles of man-made materials and in particular microplastics present in any body of fresh or salt water. 14
Marine floating Micro-litter formats Proposal: "A fine-meshed net designed for sampling small size elements such as : microzooplankton, mesozooplankton, nekton or microlitter" 15