Decisions on developments in Service Delivery including PWS
Service Delivery / PWS Decisions – Doc 5.7 Four Draft Decisions and one Draft Recommendation in this document. Some background information in INF 2.5 and DOC 4.4 Will take each of these Drafts in turn
Draft Decision 5.7/1 – Strategy on Service Delivery Workplan detailed in the Annex Describes the role of CBS, and in particular OPAG/PWSD Establish a mechanism to address development within CBS Discuss with representatives of other TCs Work with PTCs to develop a WMO-wide approach Bring proposals to Congress in 2019 Proposals and Recommendations to EC may also be needed
Draft Decision 5.7/1 – Strategy on Service Delivery Agree on the need to upgrade and strengthen Members capabilities Decide to endorse the Workplan (in Annex) Urge Members to implement the Strategy to significantly improve the delivery of Weather, Climate and Hydrological services
Draft Decision 5.7/2 – Impact-Based Services Agrees that this new area of SD needs development Decides on the need for enhanced efforts in IBFWS Decides on the need for a WMO-wide approach Requests OPAG/PWSD to initiate development and review Competency Framework Requests the SG to assist Members in implementing IBWFS and to facilitate the preparation of an implementation strategy to be published by end 2017
Draft Decision 5.7/3 – Emerging Technologies Agrees on the nature of the challenges faced by NMHSs Decides that the OPAG/PWSD needs to focus on principal thematic areas to drive progress Calls on Members to embrace opportunities offered by new and emerging technologies Requests the SG to support Members in staying agile
Draft Decision 5.7/4 – Social and Economic Benefits Recalling the decision by EC to organise an international conference on SEB Noting that such a conference would bring together many partners and stakeholders Noting that no venue is identified as yet, and Members should consider hosting this event Invites CBS Members to actively participate in and contribute to this conference
Annex to Draft Recommendation 5.7/1 Public Weather Services General clauses to define the scope of PWS Public Weather Services Delivery Range of specific initiatives/actions in support of SD Organisation NMHSs properly equipped to provide PWS Competency NMHS Personnel meet appropriate competency requirements
Draft Recommendation 5.7/1 – Competency Frameworks and PWS provisions for WMO Tech Regs Volume 1 Decides to endorse the PWS provision, as detailed in the Annex, for inclusion in the Tech Regs Requests OPAG/PWSD to prepare Guidance an appropriate Training Materials for Members Recommends to EC-69 that the PWS provisions, as detailed in the Annex, be included in the Tech Regs Requests the SG to facilitate training initiatives
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