Mrs. Padelford’s Penguins @Las Brisas! ~ 623-445-5544 Due: 12/21 December 2018 Upcoming Dates HOMEWORK NOTES: Adopt a Family Program Continues until December 12th Friday December 7th Bring $1 = Bring a Stuffed Animal! [Fundraiser for Student Council ] Patriotic Assembly 8:00AM EARLY RELEASE @11:20AM December 7th 6:00PM Cookies with Santa December 10th – 14th Holiday Shop December 10th – 14th Box Top Collection December 11th PTSA Restaurant Night 4:00-8:00PM @ Chipotle [67th Ave & 101] Friday December 21st EARLY RELEASE @ 11:20AM Winter Party @10:30AM WINTER BREAK December 24th –January 4th ***Be on the lookout for Starmart in January! Nonsense Words: Please continue to practice if your child has not already met the end of 1st grade goal of 30 words per minute. Encourage your child to practice sounding out each word in his/her head, then say the whole word out loud. Fluency Practice: We are continuing to build our fluency. We have been having fun using voices for characters and reading with expression! This month, please continue to practice with your child, using the same attached passages. As your child becomes more familiar with the text, he/she will be better able to focus on speed, accuracy and proper expression. Sight Words: Attached please find sight word phrases for words 51-100 to help your child build fluency. Please continue to practice writing our 1st Grade sight words. We have begun Friday spelling tests with 10 sight words at a time. This month we will begin working on spelling and writing List B. Have a safe and happy holiday season! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday MONDAY MATH: DreamBox Lesson Homework should take no more than 20 minutes per night. TUESDAY TIMED READ: Nonsense Words Leveled Passages Sight Words 51-100 Phrases and Sentences WEDNESDAY WORD WORK: Practice the attached word sort every Wed. 1. Color code 2. Cut/Sort/Glue 3. Read / Spell 4. Use words in Sentences THURSDAY RazKids: Choose 1 story to read and 1 story to listen to. Complete the quizzes at the end. FRIDAY FAMILY FUN: OPTIONAL: Trim Santa’s Beard 12 Days of Kindness HOMEWORK DUE: Friday 12/21