Hampshire Workforce Development Corporate Shared Services Leading Change for Managers and Leaders Hampshire Workforce Development Corporate Shared Services
Fire/exits Mobile phones / mobile devices Facilities Group working Build in a few ground rules e.g. confidentiality, listening, respect
Learning Outcomes By the end of the course you will be able to: Manage relationships effectively and communicate in order to motivate others to deliver change. Enable your team to accept and embed change in order to achieve the outcome. Describe the future state you are aiming for. Aim: Learn how to assess the way change is affecting your team and techniques on how to embed new initiatives in a proactive way and motivational way. “The secret is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new” (Dan Millman. The way of the Peaceful Warrior 1980)
2 sides to leading change People Process
Discretionary effort and role of the manager Have to do curve Want to do curve Discretionary effort Time Performance (Organ, Podsakoff, & MacKenzie, 2006; Van Dyne, Cummings, & McLean Parks, 1995)
Which way will the team go?
Force Field Analysis Driving Force Restraining Force Kurt Lewin 1997
Stephen Covey: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 1989
The Change House Marvin Weisboard 1987 Sun Lounge Contentment Room Renewal Room Denial Confusion Denial Dungeon Paralysis Pit
Change is straight forward, right? B "The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." George Bernard Shaw
Show me again Abdul Hamid Perception game: So, what did you see in the picture? Estimated delivery time: 5-6 min. -- Trainer notes: 1. The slide shows the picture to delegates for a few seconds, and then the picture gets hidden. 2. Ask delegates what they saw. Different people might have seen an either an old man or the women, or a night scene with a boat in the water and buildings on the horizon on the man’s hat. 3. Click on the slide button: Show me again – this reveals the image again, and ask whether delegates can notice both the man, the women and the boat scene. 4. Click on the Continue button to explain the key learning point (new slide) Click on Continue button to move to next slide. Abdul Hamid
Towards and away
“The forestry commission manages land for conservation, timber production, heritage and for you to enjoy. We are a non profit making organization and money raised from car parking goes towards maintaining visitor centres, play areas and other facilities”
My daddy works here Take care within the roadworks
Learning Outcomes By the end of the course you will be able to: Manage relationships effectively and communicate in order to motivate others to deliver change. Enable your team to accept and embed change in order to achieve the outcome. Describe the future state you are aiming for. Aim: Learn how to assess the way change is affecting your team and techniques on how to embed new initiatives in a proactive way and motivational way. “The secret is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new” (Dan Millman. The way of the Peaceful Warrior 1980)