Tree Diagrams – Unconditional – Worksheet A The worksheet is provided in 2 sizes.
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P P F P F F 1. Mark Diana Results The probability Mark passes his driving test is 1 3 . The probability Diana passes is 5 6 . Complete the Tree Diagram and find the probability they both pass their tests. Mark Diana Results P P F P F F
2. The probability Sally passes her history test is 4 5 . The probability Jim passes is 2 3 . a) Complete the Tree Diagram and find the probability they both fail their tests. b) What is the probability at least one of them passes? Sally Jim Results
3. The probability Jim passes his maths test is 7 10 . The probability he passes English is 4 5 . Complete a Tree Diagram and find the probability he passes both tests. What is the probability he fails both tests? c) What is the probability he passes only one test?
4. The probability Helen passes her English test is 4 9 . The probability she passes History is 3 7 . Complete a Tree Diagram and find the probability she passes at least one test.
Answers 1 3 x 5 6 = 1 3 x 1 6 = 2 3 x 5 6 = 2 3 x 1 6 = P PP P F PF P 1. The probability Mark passes his driving test is 1 3 . The probability Diana passes is 5 6 . Complete the Tree Diagram and find the probability they both pass their tests. 5 18 Mark Diana Results 5 6 1 3 x 5 6 = 5 18 P PP P 1 3 1 6 1 3 x 1 6 = 1 18 F PF 5 6 2 3 x 5 6 = 10 18 P FP 2 3 F 1 6 2 3 x 1 6 = 2 18 F FF Answers
Answers 4 5 x 2 3 = 4 5 x 1 3 = 1 5 x 2 3 = 1 5 x 1 3 = P PP P F PF P 2. The probability Sally passes her history test is 4 5 . The probability Jim passes is 2 3 . 1 15 a) Complete the Tree Diagram and find the probability they both fail their tests. b) What is the probability at least one of them passes? 14 15 Sally Jim Results 2 3 4 5 x 2 3 = 8 15 P PP 4 5 P 4 5 x 1 3 = 4 15 1 3 F PF 2 3 1 5 x 2 3 = 2 15 P FP 1 5 F 1 5 x 1 3 = 1 15 1 3 F FF Answers
Answers 7 10 x 4 5 = 7 10 x 1 5 = 3 10 x 4 5 = 3 10 x 1 5 = P PP P F 3. The probability Jim passes his maths test is 7 10 . The probability he passes English is 4 5 . Complete a Tree Diagram and find the probability he passes both tests. What is the probability he fails both tests? c) What is the probability he passes only one test? 28 50 3 50 19 50 Maths English Results 4 5 7 10 x 4 5 = 28 50 P PP 7 10 P 7 10 x 1 5 = 7 50 1 5 F PF 4 5 3 10 x 4 5 = 12 50 P FP 3 10 F 3 10 x 1 5 = 3 50 1 5 F FF Answers
Answers 4 9 x 3 7 = 4 9 x 4 7 = 5 9 x 3 7 = 5 9 x 4 7 = P PP P F PF P 4. The probability Helen passes her English test is 4 9 . The probability she passes History is 3 7 . Complete a Tree Diagram and find the probability she passes at least one test. 43 63 English History Results 3 7 4 9 x 3 7 = 12 63 P PP 4 9 P 4 9 x 4 7 = 16 63 4 7 F PF 3 7 5 9 x 3 7 = 15 63 P FP 5 9 F 5 9 x 4 7 = 20 63 4 7 F FF Answers
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