WG A Ecological Status Progress report October 2010 – May 2011


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Presentation transcript:

WG A Ecological Status Progress report October 2010 – May 2011

Issues ECOSTAT meeting 30-31 March, Brussels: focus on intercalibration Progress ongoing intercalibration work Checking of MS methods to be intercalibrated Progress in the geographical intercalibration groups (GIGs) Request for etablishing ad-hoc group hydromorphology and ecological status/potential

Guidance on the IC process 2008-2011 Last element of the IC process guidance (Annex V on comparability criteria) endorsed by Water Directors in December 2010 in Spa Timetable: Final reports of the IC groups to ECOSTAT: June 2011 IC groups that were granted extension: December 2011

Method checking for the intercalibration exercise: what methods can be included in the exercise? IC process guidance Key principle 6: “In principle, only results from WFD-compliant assessment methods can be intercalibrated. (…) The COM Decision will in principle only include the results of the full intercalibration at the BQE level.” Checking of methods is a key step of the IC process that should have been completed early 2010 Difficult in practice – IC groups asked for more clarity

Method checking for the intercalibration exercise: what methods can be included in the exercise? ECOSTAT paper with recommendations for the GIGs General issues (e.g. not all aspects of a BQE covered; no response to pressure demonstrated) Specific issues for the BQEs General recommendation: IC groups and/or MS should provide justifications that are strong enough to pass scientific peer review Paper in principle agreed by ECOSTAT, undergoing final revision, to be completed 15 May

Intercalibration progress - Rivers X – 6-month extension – additional request for EC phytobenthos

Intercalibration progress - rivers Mostly on track - many results expected June 2011 Additional request for extension for EC phytobenthos No national methods for NO macrophytes – therefore no intercalibration Large rivers IC only for phytobenthos and benthic fauna Open issue: intercalibration of ecological potential

Intercalibration progress - Lakes X – 6-month extension granted

Intercalibration progress - lakes Some groups will complete June 2011 – most December Possible to finalise for most groups in December, but this will require extra efforts (especially in EC GIG) Problem areas: MED (all BQEs except phytoplankton) Fish (all GIGs except NO and ALP)

Intercalibration progress – Coastal X – 6-month extension granted

Intercalibration progress - Transitional X – 6-month extension granted

Intercalibration progress – coastal/transitional Significant increase of activity Situation still very difficult in most groups – but most ‘yellow’ groups have a good possibility to finish with extra effort Most results due December 2011

SCG is invited to: Take not of the state play of the current ECOSTAT activities To accept the request of the EC Rivers GIG for an extension of the final reporting deadline for phytobenthos until December 2011; To agree that the presented comments on the progress of the intercalibration exercise will be forwarded to the Water Directors

WG A Ecological Status Request to establish an ad-hoc group “Hydromorphology and ecological status/potential”

Background Request from Water Directors to ECOSTAT for a concrete proposal how to deal with intercalibration of ecological potential (by December 2011) ECOSTAT mandate: exchange of information on HMWB, especially: Assessment methods sentitive to hymo pressure Minimum ecological flow Comparison of methods for defining GEP Workshop foreseen early 2012

Background Initial discussions in ECOSTAT – conclusions: These issues are closely linked and require specific expertise Propose to set up a single ad-hoc group to address them Several MS have already indicated that they are willing to contribute

Mandate, objectives, timetable 2- step approach proposed: Step 1 (June-December 2011) preparation of a proposal (concept paper) how to deal with the obligation to intercalibrate ecological potential – First outline June 2011 (for discussion at ECOSTAT Meeting on 27-28 June 2011) Final draft October 2011(for discussion and approval at the ECOSTAT Meeting on 24-25 October 2011); proposal to be submitted for approval by the Water Directors at their meeting in November/December 2011. preparation of an outline for the workshop on ecological potential – deadline June 2011 (for discussion in ECOSTAT on 27-28 June 2011)

Mandate, objectives, timetable Step 2 (December 2011 – December 2012) – based on approval of WD: Preparation of the agenda and background documents for the workshop on hydromorphology and ecological potential (e.g. by preparing case studies) – deadline January 2012 Workshop on Hydromorphology and Ecological Potential in February/March 2012 Conclusions of the workshop and development of concrete proposal for intercalibration of ecological potential – November/December 2012

Participation, organisation Participation in the ad hoc group is open for all MS and stakeholders represented in ECOSTAT Group will be led by ECOSTAT working group leaders (JRC, UK, DE) Limited number of meetings, further coordination by e-mail communication

SCG is invited to: Endorse the establishment of an ad-hoc group ‘Hydromorphology and Ecological Status/Potential’ under the umbrella of ECOSTAT