Latin Roots: brevi/breve, cede/ceed, Mob/Mot/mov short go / yield move Vocabulary Construction – Unit 9 Latin Roots: brevi/breve, cede/ceed, Mob/Mot/mov short go / yield move by Marcia Timmel Art by Phillip Martin
1. immobile 1. (adj) unable to move
2. to advance to higher level 2. promote 2. to advance to higher level
3. abbreviate 3. (v) to shorten
4. mobility 4. (n) the ability to move
5. (v) to take away; to relocate 5. remove 5. (v) to take away; to relocate
6. (v) to gain the use of; (n) an approach or passage 6. access 6. (v) to gain the use of; (n) an approach or passage
7. (n) a movement ; (v) the act of moving 7. motion 7. (n) a movement ; (v) the act of moving
8. (v) to formally withdraw 8. secede 8. (v) to formally withdraw
9. (n) the quality of being brief 9. brevity 9. (n) the quality of being brief
10. proceed 10. (v) to move forward