Body Language AD3 Tanya Chang 495130145
About body language There are some photos show the gestures and facial expressions. As follows, you can see my personal understanding and interpretation. And I also try to find some information about the photos. Hope you enjoy the report.
This “thumbs up” gesture may has some meanings: You’re good; Good job. Nice shot. Jump ball ( a specially use at basketball game) It might be “good luck” in some special situation.
“Screaming, sad look and both hands on the face” may has some different meanings: Terribly sad Lose the competition Incredible; unbelievable Regret
“With one hand on the forehead” may has some meanings: Oh, no; Oh my god. That’s really a bad news. I can’t believe that. I get a headache.
The " Raise shoulders, hold up hands, palms out " gesture has a number of meanings: Surrender Ok, I have no opposition. It's not my fault. I don't know. I don't really agree.
“Cover your mouth with both hands” may have different meanings: To apologize or indicate that you've messed up. I can’t tell. Oops, that’s my fault. I’m sorry about that.
“With one finger in front of mouth” has some meanings: Be quiet. No noise. That’s our secret. Hush.
Thank you for your reading.