UNENE Perspective Dr. V.G. Snell Programme Director, UNENE on behalf of Basma Shalaby, UNENE President 11/08/2019 UNENE Perspective.ppt R1
UNENE Perspective.ppt R1 Outline What is UNENE? What do we do? Education Research UNENE Perspective Summary 11/08/2019 UNENE Perspective.ppt R1
UNENE Perspective.ppt R1 What is UNENE? UNENE is an industry-university partnership which: Supplies highly-qualified graduates Supports and funds nuclear research Creates respected university-based experts 11/08/2019 UNENE Perspective.ppt R1
UNENE Perspective.ppt R1 Members Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Bruce Power Ontario Power Generation Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission CANDU Owners Group Nuclear Safety Solutions CAMECO McMaster University Queen's University University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Saskatchewan University of Toronto University of Waterloo University of Western Ontario Ecole Polytechnique University of New Brunswick Royal Military College University of Guelph 11/08/2019 UNENE Perspective.ppt R1
UNENE Perspective.ppt R1 Education – UNENE M.Eng. Course based: 10 courses OR 8 courses plus a project 3 of the 10 courses can be Business Courses from Advanced Design and Manufacturing Institute (ADMI) Accredited by Ontario Council of Graduate Studies Courses are graduate level in content & expectations Offered by McMaster, Waterloo, Western and Queen’s Geared to the working professional Topics are relevant to work in industry Scheduled outside working hours 11/08/2019 UNENE Perspective.ppt R1
UNENE Perspective.ppt R1 Typical Courses UN0802: Nuclear reactor analysis UN0801: Nuclear plant systems and operations UN0804: Nuclear reactor heat transport system design UN0803: Nuclear reactor safety design UN0603: Project management for nuclear engineering UN0901: Nuclear materials UN0805: Radiation health risks and benefits UN0702: Power plant thermodynamics UN0701: Engineering risk and reliability UN0601: Control, instrumentation and electrical systems in CANDU UN1001: Reactor chemistry and corrosion UN0902: Fuel management UN0602: Nuclear fuel waste management 11/08/2019 UNENE Perspective.ppt R1
UNENE Perspective.ppt R1 Student Enrolment 11/08/2019 UNENE Perspective.ppt R1
UNENE Perspective.ppt R1 Enrollment by Company 11/08/2019 UNENE Perspective.ppt R1
UNENE Perspective.ppt R1 Research Support Industrial Research Chairs McMaster (Luxat / Novog) – Safety / T-H Queens (Holt / Daymond) - Materials Toronto (Newman) – Nano Eng’g of Alloys Waterloo (Pandey) – Risk Western (Jiang) – I&C, Electrical RMC (Lewis) – Fuels UOIT (Waker / Waller) – Health Physics Typically $200,000 per year 11/08/2019 UNENE Perspective.ppt R1
UNENE Perspective.ppt R1 Research – cont’d Collaborative Research and Development Grants (with NRCan) Queens (Clapham) – feeder stress measurement McMaster (Lightstone) – subchannel mixing Guelph (Tremaine) – D2O chemistry Klassen (Western) – PT fracture toughness Kawaji (Toronto) – dryout & IBIF Lewis (RMC) – fuel performance code Lewis (RMC) – fuel failure monitor Lewis / Thompson (RMC) – spectroscopy of fuel with Dy Daymond (Queens) - DHC Small projects ~$30,000/year for 3 years from 2005/6 Superb value for money 11/08/2019 UNENE Perspective.ppt R1
UNENE Perspective.ppt R1 Getting better … Increased enrollment in the M.Eng. Enrollment now budget-limited by the employers, not student limited Recognition – e.g. part of path to shift supervisor at OPG Continued building of capacity at Universities with IRCs / CRDs 11/08/2019 UNENE Perspective.ppt R1
UNENE Perspective.ppt R1 Overall role of CRL Our expectation: Short-term: product support for AECL ACR-1000, Enhanced CANDU 6 Medium term: advanced/closed fuel cycles Long-term: Gen IV reactors Materials, R&D infrastructure etc. Development of HQP, knowledge, education 11/08/2019 UNENE Perspective.ppt R1
UNENE Perspective.ppt R1 Better use of the great R&D facilities we have in Canada for training students Use MNR at McMaster and facilities at CRL more, for developing HQP More staff into the UNENE M.Eng. Programme as teachers & students CRL enrollment has been minimal Distance education introduced this year CRL Staff could help teach courses 11/08/2019 UNENE Perspective.ppt R1
UNENE Perspective.ppt R1 Perspective – cont’d Easier to get / use CRL nuclear simulation software Somewhat overwhelming process CRL the natural Canadian code centre Good courses in new areas – e.g. fuel design As/when UNENE expands, we want to enlarge the course offerings Supervision of student projects Mostly by CNSC, SP and universities to date CRL experience would be valuable for both 11/08/2019 UNENE Perspective.ppt R1
UNENE Perspective.ppt R1 Perspective – cont’d Mutual peer review of proposals & results Easy access to scientific peer reviewers Sponsor to organize and preserve knowledge No home to date Exchange of Staff Mutual sabbaticals at each other’s sites Not expensive Continued support of UNENE IRCs and CRDs Sine qua non 11/08/2019 UNENE Perspective.ppt R1
Collaboration means success Examples Luxat proposal for huge & wide consortium in nuclear NUCLEUS Centre of Excellence - includes UNENE C. Wren NSERC proposal to train students on extreme aqueous chemistry & materials Universities, domestic & foreign industry Laboratory – University synergies Other countries do it well – e.g. Germany, U.S. 11/08/2019 UNENE Perspective.ppt R1
UNENE Perspective.ppt R1 Turning Around What are CRL’s expectations of UNENE? How can we serve the industry better in terms of research and education? Lab. Facilities? Irradiations? Peer review? Independent expertise? Analysis tools? Can CRL in its new role work more closely with a university research environment? Can UNENE participate in setting strategic direction for R&D? or doing more of it? 11/08/2019 UNENE Perspective.ppt R1
UNENE Perspective.ppt R1 Summary UNENE is growing – both M.Eng., IRCs and CRDs Need to maintain ongoing links with industry, with focus on CRL as major R&D supplier Collaboration on CRDs Collaboration on education Review, staff exchange, support Wider / broader /deeper interaction with Universities and UNENE 11/08/2019 UNENE Perspective.ppt R1