Outcome of treatment in adults with Philadelphia chromosome–positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia—results of the prospective multicenter LALA-94 trial by Hervé Dombret, Jean Gabert, Jean-Michel Boiron, Françoise Rigal-Huguet, Didier Blaise, Xavier Thomas, André Delannoy, Agnès Buzyn, Chrystèle Bilhou-Nabera, Jean-Michel Cayuela, Pierre Fenaux, Jean-Henri Bourhis, Nathalie Fegueux, Christiane Charrin, Claude Boucheix, Véronique Lhéritier, Hélène Espérou, Elizabeth MacIntyre, Jean-Paul Vernant, and Denis Fière Blood Volume 100(7):2357-2366 October 1, 2002 ©2002 by American Society of Hematology
Survival of patients eligible for stem cell transplantation Survival of patients eligible for stem cell transplantation.Kaplan-Meier landmark survival estimates (with a 90-day landmark period) for patients eligible for HSCT (A) according to the existence of an allogeneic donor (N = 103 patients) (relative risk in th... Survival of patients eligible for stem cell transplantation.Kaplan-Meier landmark survival estimates (with a 90-day landmark period) for patients eligible for HSCT (A) according to the existence of an allogeneic donor (N = 103 patients) (relative risk in the no-donor group, 1.71; 95% confidence interval, 1.09 to 2.68;P = .02 by the log-rank test) and (B) according to theBCR-ABL status after 2 courses of chemotherapy (N = 63 patients) (relative risk in the BCR-ABL + group, 2.46; 95% confidence interval, 1.26 to 4.78; P = .006 by the log-rank test). Hervé Dombret et al. Blood 2002;100:2357-2366 ©2002 by American Society of Hematology