The Greylock Way ~ Integrity, Responsibility, Perseverance Course Registration 2019-2020 The Greylock Way ~ Integrity, Responsibility, Perseverance
Agenda Anticipated Program of Studies 2019-2020 The Program of Studies can be found online at Course Registration Sheet Calendar for Course Selection Process Parent Roles in the Process Q & A
Counselor Caseloads Grade Mrs. Casalinova Mrs. Maselli Current Grade 8 A. Abel-P. McConnell A. McIntosh-T. Woodbury Current Grade 9 C. Abel- M. Machaffie T. Martin- M. Woodbury Current Grade 10 D. Auriemma- T. Mason J. McAlister- O. Winters Current Grade 11 M. Alden-N. Greenfield G. Hartman- S. Zheng
Course Distribution Requirements English Forty (40) credits Social Studies Thirty (30) credits (ten (10) credits must be in United States History) Mathematics Thirty (30) credits (Students must pass Algebra I and Geometry) Science Thirty (30) credits Wellness Eighteen (18) credits 15 credits in wellness 3 credits in health
Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 English Social Studies Math Science America in the World Migration & Movement * Subject to Citizen * Social Studies Elective(s) Industrialization & Urbanization * Global Citizenship* Math Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Pre-Calculus Intro College Math Math Methods/ Statistics Science Physics Chemistry Biology Science Elective(s) Wellness Wellness 9 Health Wellness * (1 Semester) Electives Language Other
Requirements for College Admission for State System of Massachusetts 16 Required Units Include: 4 years of English 4 years of college preparatory Mathematics Including: Algebra I & II, geometry, pre-calculus, or calculus 3 years of a lab Science 2 years of Social Studies * 1 year must be US history Minimum of 2 years of a single Language 2 years of college preparatory Elective courses
AP Courses English Composition English Literature Calculus AB Computer Science Principles Statistics European History US History Psychology Biology Physics C: E & M Spanish Language Latin
OPEN ENROLLMENT Students continue to have the right to select which level of coursework they enroll in for the year: College Preparatory Honors Advanced Placement Students will make an informed decision with input from teachers, parents, and school counselors as to which courses are in his or her best interest to take. Individuals should be aware that it may be difficult to make schedule changes if they are unable to perform at the expected level in which they are enrolled and may need to take measures to ensure that they have the proper support to continue in the most rigorous schedule possible or endure a schedule change mid-year.
HONORS/AP COURSES ENGLISH Students selecting honors-level or Advanced Placement courses should have demonstrated above-average skills in the chosen subject area as evidenced by the following performance criteria: ENGLISH -Students who currently have a 90% average or higher in college prep are recommended for placement in Honors English. -Students who currently have a 93% average or higher in honors English are recommended for placement in the AP English class.
HONORS/AP COURSES MATH Students selecting honors-level or Advanced Placement courses should have demonstrated above-average skills in the chosen subject area as evidenced by the following performance criteria: MATH -H.S. math students must earn an 80% in an honors level math course to enter an honors level course in the next school year. -Students who do not earn an 80% in an honors level math course may enter an honors level course in the next school year with their math teacher’s recommendation.
HONORS/AP COURSES SCIENCE Students selecting honors-level or Advanced Placement courses should have demonstrated above-average skills in the chosen subject area as evidenced by the following performance criteria: SCIENCE -Science courses: final grade of 88% if current course is regular level, and a final grade of 83% if course is honors-level. -In addition, it is strongly recommended that students enrolling in ninth grade honors physics earn a 83% or better in an 8th grade accelerated math course.
HONORS CRITERIA PERFORMING ARTS -Students become eligible for honors credit after completing their fifth semester in band, orchestra, or symphonic chorus.
English Department Required: English 9/Honors 9 English 10/Honors 10 English 11/Honors 11 or AP 11 Language & Composition English 12 /Honors 12 or AP 12 Literature Honors Tolkien and the Modern Myth -12 Elements of English I Electives: Creative Writing * Works of Shakespeare*
Mathematics Department Required: Algebra I AND Geometry/Honors Geometry Electives: Algebra II/ Honors Algebra II Pre-Calculus/ Honors Pre-Calculus Intro to College Math AP Calculus AB AP Statistics Honors Math Methods for Business* Honors Statistics*
Science Department Suggested Sequence of Courses: (L)Physics/Honors Physics- grade 9 (L) Chemistry/ Honors Chemistry- grade 10 (L) Biology/ Honors Biology- grade 11 Electives: (L)Anatomy and Physiology/Honors Anatomy Physiology (L) AP Biology (L) AP Physics C: E & M Environmental Science/Honors Environmental Science Forensic Science/ Honors Forensic Science* Intro to Engineering *
Social Studies Department Required: America in the World Electives: Migration & Movement*/Industrialization* Subject to Citizen*/Global Citizenship* America, Vietnam and the 1960’s* The American Political System* Practical Civics* AP Psychology or Honors Psychology AP US History AP Modern European History
Electives Business/Technology World Language Wellness */Health* Visual and Performing Arts Additional Electives
New Course Offerings 2019-20 Survey Students for Elective Offerings Glass Fusing* Mosaics* Portfolio Photography* Works of Shakespeare* Back in the Rotation: -AP Physics C: E & M -AP Latin -America, Vietnam & the 1960’s* -American Political System* -Painting* -Newspaper Production* -Intro to Theater Arts*
Course Registration Process Step 1: Check out your 2019-2020 Program of Studies Available online at A paper copy is available in the Guidance Office Step 2: Complete the Course Selection Sheet Talk to your parents/guardian/teachers/guidance counselor about your choices Collect required signatures Consider a multi-year plan Step 3: Complete the Demographic Form Step 4: If taking an AP course- Time Management Form needs to be submitted
Course Registration Calendar Class meetings with the high school counselors begin Monday, March 25th beginning with current 11th graders. Students will be called to the Guidance Office for individual meetings beginning Monday, April 1st Class Meeting Schedule: Monday, March 25th- Grade 11 Thursday, March 28th - Grade 9/10 Friday, March 22nd- Grade 8
Course Selection Sheet If you are in grade 8, your course registration form is due in the Guidance Office on Friday, March 29th by the end of the school day. If you are in grade 11, your course registration form is due in the Guidance Office by Thursday, March 28th by the end of the school day. If you are in grades 9-10, your course registration form is due in the Guidance Office on Tuesday, April 2nd by the end of the school day.
Parent Roles Talk to your student about their options. Sign the Course Registration Form. Remind your student to submit their Course Registration Form by the deadlines. Complete the Demographic Form. Make sure your child is in school during registration week. (April 1st-April 5th)
Q & A