!!!Coming to America Cartoon!!! Pages 613 – 617. Emigrated. Entering America – Statue of Liberty “What is written on it.” Ellis Island and Angel Island – what went on in there? Cartoon 2 Finding Work – what was life like for immigrants finding work in the U.S.? Cartoon 3 Assimilate. Chinese Exclusion Act. Gentleman’s Agreement. Immigration Act of 1917.
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
!!!Exit Ticket!!! Ellis Island and Angel Island tried to prevent anyone from coming into the U.S. if they had a disease – just like students must have a shot record to get into school today? Would you send people back to their countries or hold them until they were better like we did back in the day? The Chinese Exclusion Act and the Gentleman's Agreement forbade or limited certain people from coming to this country. Today we are forbidding immigration from certain countries with known terrorist cells in them. Would you ban immigration from certain countries that might pose a threat to the U.S.? The Immigration Act of 1917 required immigrants to be educated. The idea was to have the best of the best from other countries come to us. Would you have agreed with this act back then? What about today?