Points from the Preacher All is Vanity Ecclesiastes 1 &2
Points from the Preacher: All is Vanity Eccl 1 &2 What advantage does man have in his work? 1:1-11 Man is a very small part of an ongoing world 4 His life is predictable, monotonous, & unsatisfying 5-10 He won’t even be remembered when he is done 11
Points from the Preacher: All is Vanity Eccl 1 &2 The experiment and the result 1:12-15 to seek all that has been done under heaven 13a man’s task is grievous 13b; 15 man’s work is vain and striving after wind 14
Points from the Preacher: All is Vanity Eccl 1 &2 I set my mind to know wisdom 1:16-18; 2:12-17 more wisdom and knowledge = more grief and pain 1:18 wise man dies just as the fool 14-15, 16b wise are forgotten just like the fool 16a VANITY! 1:17; 2:16-17
Points from the Preacher: All is Vanity Eccl 1 &2 I will test you with pleasure. So enjoy yourself. 2:1-11 wine 3 works 4-6 possessions 7-8a entertainment 8b sex 8c VANITY! 2:9-11
Points from the Preacher: All is Vanity Eccl 1 &2 I hated all the fruit of my labor 2:18-26 leave it all to someone else 18 will new owner be a wise man or a fool? 19 new owner did not work for what he received 21 what I gained did not come easy 23 fruit of labor is God’s gift to enjoy 24-26 VANITY! 2:19, 21, 23, 26
All is Vanity Wisdom Pleasure Labor Are we living like we believe it? Are we spending our lives chasing the wind?