The natural history of respiratory syncytial virus infection in cancer and transplant patients: implications for management by Elias J. Anaissie, Tahsine H. Mahfouz, Turan Aslan, Anastasia Pouli, Rahman Desikan, Athanasios Fassas, and Bart Barlogie Blood Volume 103(5):1611-1617 March 1, 2004 ©2004 by American Society of Hematology
Distribution of participants according to underlying disease and therapy. Distribution of participants according to underlying disease and therapy. MM indicates multiple myeloma; chemo, chemotherapy; APBSCT, autologous stem cell transplantation; allo-BMT, allogeneic bone marrow transplantation; pts, patients. Elias J. Anaissie et al. Blood 2004;103:1611-1617 ©2004 by American Society of Hematology
Monthly rate of recovery of RSV in nasopharyngeal washings from 190 cancer patients. Monthly rate of recovery of RSV in nasopharyngeal washings from 190 cancer patients. Percentage of RSV-positive cultures for the entire population. RSV was isolated in 71 (37%) of 190 patients throughout the year, including summer (May to September). However, more cases were identified during the fall and winter seasons than spring and summer (59% versus 21%, respectively), P < .001. Twelve (44%) of 27 patients tested in July had RSV-positive cultures. Elias J. Anaissie et al. Blood 2004;103:1611-1617 ©2004 by American Society of Hematology