PWS activities in Viet Nam Vu Thi Phuong Thanh Ha Noi, 26 March 2018
Contents Overview of forecasting system in Viet Nam PWS activities implemented during the last 5 years Challenges in services delivery
Forecasting system in Viet Nam National Center for Hydro-Met. Forecasting Regional Hydro-Met. Center : 9 Provincial Hydro-Met. Center : 54 National Center for Hydro-Met. Forecasting Regional Hydro-Met. Center Regional Hydro- Met. Center Regional Hydro- Met. Center Regional Hydro- Met. Center Provincial Hydro-Met. Center Provincial Hydro-Met. Center Provincial Hydro-Met. Center 9/18/2019
HYDRO-METEOROLOGICAL DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM Geostationary satellite GTS Polar satellite (NOAA, Aqua, Terra) Geostationary satellite (HIMAWARI) cloud images Weather RADAR (7) Satellite image receiving system Radio-sonde (5) Ship Observation Met. stations:174 Hydro. stations: 232 Rain gauge:764 Wind Profiler Automatic station Information Collecting and Processing Center Warning, Forecasting End users Marine Hydro-Met. (18) 4
Functions of each forecasting level Central Hydro- Met. Forecasting Center Typhoon analysis and forecast Daily, medium and long-term weather forecasts Flood forecast Forecasts of heavy rain, cold surge, hot and dry weather Warnings of severe weather phenomena Background forecast Regional Hydro-Met. Center Weather and hydrological short- and long-term forecasts for a region Forecasts Provincial Hydro- Met. Center Weather and hydrological short- and long-term forecasts for a province
Delivery of meteorological and hydrological forecasts and warnings Gov. agencies, CCFSC, NCSR GTS Intl. centers Fishing boats Media Local government Delivery of meteorological and hydrological forecasts and warnings National Center Hydro-Met. Forecasting Telephone, Fax Provincial forecasting centers Regional HydroMet. Centers community GTS, Coast Broadcasting Radio, Internal Hydro-met. radio Specialized services Web: Facebook: Thời tiết Việt Nam
Activities implemented during the last 5 years 9/18/2019
Policies updated Law on Natural Prevention and Control Regulation of Level of Natural Hazard Risks Regulation on Forecasting, Warning and Communication Established the Central Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control (replacing CCFSC) Law of Meteorology and Hydrology was effected in July 2016
Important role in early warning system Key member of the Central Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control Cooperating with border soldiers to delivery 30.000 brochures on typhoon, tropical cyclone; maps of typhoon and tropical cyclone tracking to fisherman and people living in coastal area (2014) Hand over 2 books boxes to Bat Xat border soldiers and culture house of Quang Kim local people committee (2017) Install 1 automatic rain gauge in Bat Xat community; training on operation and exploitation
Good relation with mass media… Implementing 16 dissemination programs on severe hydro-meteorological phenomena in cooperation with the Voice of Viet Nam in 2013-2014 Developing 5 clips on hydro-met guidance on typhoon, super typhoon, flash flood, land slides on VTV2 in 2015 05 clips on learning the Hydro-Met. Law published on the website of VNMHA in 2016 Organizing annual press conference Workshops on “Enhancing a dissemination of extreme weather phenomena on media serving natural disaster prevention” in 2016 Workshop on “Collaboration in multi- communication on now-casting” in 2016
…and natural disaster risk agencies Evacuation drills implemented in flood prone areas Public awareness raised through seasonal outlook forums Meteorological information systems researched and developed for mobile devices Information on forecast provided for more than 30 press agencies in several meetings Training on "Improving Skills of speaking and providing information to the mass media“ Workshop on "Cooperating with the mass media providing people with hydro-meteorological forecasts“ Evacuation drills implemented in flood prone areas In collaboration with Natural Disaster Agencies Meteorological information systems researched and developed for mobile devices by cloud technology Training on "Improving on Skills of speaking and providing information to the mass media“ and Workshop on "Cooperating with the mass media providing people with hydro-meteorological forecasts“ (cooperating with Newspaper Association)
Typical activities Survey on the needs of receiving hydro-meteorological information implemented in 3 cities Hai Phong, Ha Tinh, Thanh Hoa and mass media of Ha Noi in 2014. Survey on the status of awareness of people on flood, flash flood and land slides prone areas in Yen Bai, Lao Cai, Dien Bien in 2015
Typical activities 04 seminars with the press agencies on cooperation in providing hydro-meteorological information before or after severe phenomena happening in 2014- 2015 Seasonal forums, stakeholders workshops conducted through cooperation with ADPC,, Finland (Promoserv 2) Competition on learning the Hydro-Met. Law
Typical activities Develop and print 1000 books on severe hydro-met. phenomena Sign a MoU with Nguyen Sieu school on raising awareness on hydro-met., natural disaster prevention and climate change Organize 2 competitions of designing a logo for TC50 and taking photo on hydro-met. Phenomena to celebrate 50th anniversary of TC Cooperate with Era house – education farm to introduce hydro-met observation to the children 9/18/2019
Challenges in service delivery Delay in disseminating forecastings, warnings from VNMHA – Disaster prevention – Communicatiton – Public. Technical terms, long information Lack of knowledge on hydro-met Weather forecast doesn’t get an interst of public In emmergency of natural disaster, thunderstorm, flash flood, short time of forecast => lack of time for people to reach the info 9/18/2019
Future plan Improve the quality of Hydro-Met. Journal, develop an English version Enhance activities of website of VNMHA Cooperate with some big newspapers to open a column providing hdyro-met info Conduct workshops to raise awareness of public on hydro-met. and climate change Collaborate with VOV to develop a game show to learn about severe hydro-met. phenomenas with participation of famous persons Survey to assess the satisfaction of the public 9/18/2019
Thank you!