‘Yours concerns: our solutions’


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Presentation transcript:

‘Yours concerns: our solutions’ David Weatherall Partnership Co-ordinator Energy Saving Trust Explain how were trying to work with LAs in 2006/7 How we understand LAs needs in tackling sustainable energy Some key themes informing our approach and the directorn are activities are developing An evidence based approach – what works and thus making best use of available resources A commitment to building effective partnerships at l,ocal regional and national level Promoting senior manager led approach What the principal resources were offering to support you in taking action – update on new anc changing activities

Your concerns “Changing behaviours to help combat climate change is such a mammoth task. There’s so much I could be doing its hard to know what to prioritise. I just don’t have the time or resources to do this and I find it hard to get senior management support.” This is a typical response. This presentation will go through how we can help break this task down into manageable chunks so as to save time and energy plus help them get senior buy in. Based on research: OUR understanding of where YOU’RE at Need for senior buy in Need for support in putting together coherent plans

Supporting local authorities to: Get a senior commitment on climate change (could be through the Nottingham declaration or equivalent) Develop a crosscutting sustainable energy strategy Develop and implement an action plan

Wednesday 25th October

Have you checked out everything we can offer? EST Programmes Local Authority Focused Programmes Local Support Practical Help Other Activities Low Carbon Building Programme Community Action for Energy (CAfE) Energy Efficiency Advice Centres & Sustainable Energy Network Information Resources – Best Practice, Energy Efficiency the Guide Have you checked out everything we can offer? Why we need to focus our efforts; Our 2005 segmentation research showed that of those most active in the sustainable area, 78% had a council leader with a relevant portfolio. Conversely, amongst those doing the least well, this percentage dropped to 43% and they cited it as a major reason for their lower levels of performance. Lack of resources etc.

Building Partnerships Local level – CAfE and work with local authorities through local support Regional and Sub-regional level – Sustainable Energy Network Pilot National Level – Facilitation of the Energy Efficiency Partnership for Homes (an independent network)

Conclusions EST is: Supporting partnership based working at local, regional and national level Providing varied support as you need it Increasingly taking an evidence based approach, making best use of our available resources Focused on supporting strategic senior–manager led approaches