Orientation, Socialization and Career Related Issues Chapter # 6 Orientation, Socialization and Career Related Issues References: Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8th Ed. (DeCenzo and Robbins) Internet Resource person: Furqan-ul-haq Siddiqui
Orientation Programs/Activities that familiarize new employees with their roles, organization, its policies and employees. History Visits of Departments Hierarchy Probationary period Disciplinary regulations Policies & Rules Pay scales Vacations Employer-provided Services Retirement programs Supervisors, Coworkers Location Job Safety requirements Overview of job
A successful orientation should accomplish four things for new employees: Make them feel welcome and at ease. Help them understand the organization in a broader sense. Make clear to them what is expected in terms of work and behavior. Help them begin the process of becoming socialized into the firm’s ways of acting and doing things.
Socialization Process The process by which an employee adapts to an organization by understanding and accepting its values, norms and beliefs held by others. Outcomes “Loneliness and a feeling of isolation are not unusual for new employees. Special attention is needed to put them at ease”. Socialization Process Productivity Pre-arrival Encounter Metamorphosis Commitment Turnover
Stages of Socialization Pre-arrival Stage- Explicitly recognizes that each individuals arrives in an organization with a set of values, attitudes and perception about organization Encounter Stage – Individuals confront with difference between their organizational expectations & reality. Metamorphosis Stage- New employee copes with problems discovered during encounter stage An avalanche is a rapid flow of snow down a slope, from either natural triggers or human activity. Typically occurring in mountainous terrain
Career Planning and Development Career- A career is all the jobs/work related experiences that are held during one’s working life. The sequence of positions that a person has held over his/her life. Career path - Flexible line of movement through which an employee may move during employment with a company Career Goals- Future positions one strives to reach as part of a career. Career planning- Career planning is the process by which one selects career goals and the path of these goals. Career Counseling It assists students/ employees in finding appropriate career goals & paths by taking into consideration of their interests, personality, psyche & KSA etc.
Career Development -. the study of career development looks at: how individuals manage their careers within and between organizations and, how organizations structure the career progress of their members, it can also be tied into succession planning within some organizations. Job security - Protection against job loss within company Career security - Development of marketable skills and expertise that helps ensure employment within a range of careers. Job Families- Job Families are groups of different jobs that require similar skills. Occupation- General class of jobs.
Traditional Career Protean Career Sequence of positions held within an occupation Context of mobility is within an organization Protean Career It consists of all of the person's varied experiences in education, training work in several organizations, changes in occupational field, etc.
Traditional Career Stages
Traditional Career Stages Exploration Stage- A career stage that usually ends in mid-twenties as one makes the transition from school to work. Involves: trying out different fields discovering likes and dislikes forming attitudes toward work and social relationship patterns Includes school and early work experiences, such as internships
Establishment Stage- Stage in which one begins to search for work and finds a first job. Includes: search for work getting first job getting evidence of “success” or “failure” Takes time and energy to find a “niche” and to “make your mark”. Mid Career Stage- A career stage marked by continuous improvement in performance, leveling off in performance or beginning decline of performance. Person may face threats to his/her position from younger, better-trained and more aggressive employees.
Plateaued mid-career- Plateaued but may not failed in mid career Plateaued mid-career- Plateaued but may not failed in mid career. Even can be more productive, committed, loyal but not ambitious as climbers. Late Career- Stage in which individuals are no longer learning about their jobs nor expected to outdo levels of performance from previous years. Successful “elder states persons” can enjoy being respected for their judgment. Good resource for teaching others. Those who have declined may experience job insecurity. Off the job life increases in importance.
Decline Stage- The final stage in one’s career, usually marked by retirement/death. May be most difficult for those who were most successful at earlier stages. Today’s longer life spans and legal protections for older workers open the possibility for continued work contributions, either paid or volunteer.
Successful Career Tips Know Yourself Manage your reputation Job Performance Build & Maintain Network Contacts Keep Current Balance your specialist & generalist competencies Document your Achievements Keep your options open Resignations T & D Exposure “If you don’t have a plan for yourself you’ll be a part of someone else’s” American Proverb Having a plan does not mean auto success Need to have good performance, experience, education, faith, planning and preparation