Quarterly Reporting Community Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Prevent Child Abuse Iowa August 2019
Why? Understand what is happening and where Tell the story - legislators/funders/others Program evaluation & accountability Grantees to Coalition Grantees to DHS PCAI to DHS DHS to federal/legislators/others
Grantee Quarterly Report Tool Completed as continuous Year-to-Date report Data entered during a previous quarter is updated and added to during the next quarter Do not start over each quarter Multiple purposes & uses You – the Grantee UNI – for evaluation of curricula DHS – understanding/communications/accountability PCAI – understanding/communications/accountability One part of a three-part process
Grantee Report Master Report CAPP Report Used by Grantees Tracks progress Communicates challenges and successes Used by PCAI & UNI Compiles data Tracks progress Used by ALL Data to report progress Narrative to tell the story
Grantee Report: provides detail on projected activities including challenges and successes
Master Report compiles information from 20 Grantees > tracks progress > used internally (PCAI/UNI/DHS)
CAPP Q Report tells the story of Grantees & PCAI > used internally & externally
Rollout Grantee user-testing underway since early July Courtney Adams, Northeast Iowa Community Action Beverly Stokes, The Family Place Brooke Olson, SuccessLink Introduction to Grantees – today! Distribute DRAFT Grantee Report Template Create and distribute training video(s) Hands-on assistance to be provided at Regional Meetings Sept. 27 & 30, Oct. 2 & 4 First Quarter report due October 16 (Draft template Gather feedback, fix errors/make enhancements Distribute final template Second Quarter – may need to re-enter Q1 data
Deliverables Tab Available for reference
Guidance Tab Overview IMPORTANT: How to save IMPORTANT: Definitions Example: 20-072 Q Report Ending 2019.09 20-072 Q Report Ending 2019.12 20-072 Q Report Ending 2020.03 20-072 Q Report Ending 2020.06 IMPORTANT: Definitions Work in progress… input welcome!
New Activities Tab Allows for flexibility/changes
Report Tab For local use Summary Reports Year-to-Date progress
“All” Tab Pulls Activity data into one page This data imports into Master Report
List Tab Reference for dropdown lists
Quarterly Reporting Questions/comments? Call or email! Annette Mansheim 515-244-2200 ext. 5 a.Mansheim@pcaiowa.org
The Test! The Grantee Quarterly Report is completed as: A. A new report each quarter B. A Year-to-Date report with data updated and added-to 2. Which example below is the correct naming convention to save the report? ACFS 20-071 Helping Families Oct.2019 20-071 Q Report Ending 2019.09 3. Who helped with the first round of user testing? A. Brooke, Courtney and Beverly B. Courtney, Beverly and Brooke On Activity 4.A, if you are providing 5 separate sessions to the same group of 20 9th graders, which is the correct way to report? Report each session on a separate line with 20 participants each time Report on one line with five sessions and 20 participants On Activity 4.B, if you are doing a radio interview and the coverage area includes two of the four counties in your Service Area, which do you select under “County”? Multiple Counties All The last two of 13 Love Notes sessions schedule were cancelled due to inclement weather. How do you report the status? Cancelled Completed