August 7, 2019 Uhigh APUSH
Accounts of Columbus and Legacy of Spain Uhigh APUSH
People’s and Patriot’s Histories. . . Read the excerpts and answer the questions on the handout. When finished, answer the additional questions on the weebly.
August 8, 2019 Uhigh APUSH
People’s vs. Patriot’s Turn to your partner, and share your responses to the questions. Zinn believes it is impossible to tell a detailed account of history that is unbiased. After reading these documents, do you believe this to be true? How would you describe the impact of Christopher Columbus on American history?
TUHSD Indigenous Peoples Day Answer questions on
“Las Castas” Article Questions Why did the racial classification system (castas) develop in the Spanish Americas? How did castas impact the lives of individuals living in the New World in the 16th century? In what ways is this racial classification relevant today?
Concluding Question Explain how and why European and Native American perspectives of others developed and changed in the period.