(esp. Communications Policy and Sales Promotion) MARKETING-MIX TOOLS (esp. Communications Policy and Sales Promotion) www.eurocrafts21.eu S4-B1: Powerpoint-Presentation »Marketing-Mix Tools«
Communication Policy/Sales Promotion Tools Advertising Public Relations Sales Promotion Personal Sales S4-B1: Powerpoint-Presentation »Marketing-Mix Tools«
Advertising Objective: medium to long-term increase in sales, increase of brand recognition Target group: existing and potential customers Contents: product / service Examples: print media, jersey-/banner- and poster advertising, local radio spots, cinema spots S4-B1: Powerpoint-Presentation »Marketing-Mix Tools«
Public Relations Objective: establishing, concretion, improvement of company image Target group: the public Contents: company Examples: press folders, speeches and lectures, publications, seminars, donations for charity, etc. S4-B1: Powerpoint-Presentation »Marketing-Mix Tools«
Objective: short-term increase of sales Target: exisiting customers Sales Promotion Objective: short-term increase of sales Target: exisiting customers Contents: product / service Examples: prizes, raffles, bonuses and give-aways, events, in-house fairs etc.. S4-B1: Powerpoint-Presentation »Marketing-Mix Tools«
Objective: persuasion and increase of sales Personal Sales Objective: persuasion and increase of sales Target group: exisiting customers Contents: product / service Examples: sales presentations, trade fairs and –events, etc. S4-B1: Powerpoint-Presentation »Marketing-Mix Tools«
www.eurocrafts21.eu This project is funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. The Leonardo da Vinci project Euro Crafts 21 is carried out under the administration of plenum - society for holistic sustainable development and the Factor 10 Institute Austria. The objective of the project is to establish a significant added value in the vocational education in Austria and the participating partner countries (Finland, Germany, Slovakia, Spain and Hungary). This will be achieved through the innovation transfer of an already completed pilot project - aiming the development and testing of an overall qualification and consulting concept for sustainability management in the handicraft branch of North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany). S4-B1: Powerpoint-Presentation »Marketing-Mix Tools«
Source Ingo Rauhut: Module S4 Marketing Concept. Westdeutscher Handwerkskammertag (Ed.): Sustainable Management in crafts enterprises. A manual for the implementation of a qualification and consulting concept made for consultants and teachers in the crafts sector. Results from a pilot project, Düsseldorf (Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften in Handwerksbetrieben. Eine Handreichung zur Durchführung eines Qualifizierungs- und Beratungskonzeptes für Betriebsberater/-innen und Dozenten/-innen im Handwerk. Ergebnisse aus einem Modellversuch, Düsseldorf). S4-B1: Powerpoint-Presentation »Marketing-Mix Tools«