Biomimicry Project
In this project, my partner and I are going to ‘design’ a water filtration system based on fish gills. It is designed to remove pollution— particularly oil—from the water. In this presentation state ten facts about our problem, answer the three questions listed on our handout, and educate the audience on our solution to the problem using a diagram that I made. Brief synopsis
Does this process happen in the natural world? Why or why not? This process happens in the natural world because fish need to gain energy through oxygen, which is extracted from the water using their gills. Where does this process happen in nature? This process occurs in the fish’s body and in the water surrounding it. What type of organism creates or destroys this type of system or chemical? The fish have this type of system. Answering questions
Ten facts about water pollution (part 1) In 1976, a spill estimated to have been less than 10 tons killed more than 60,000 long-tailed ducks wintering in the Baltic Sea and attracted to the seemingly calm water surface created by the oil slick Louisiana’s coast, which is 400 miles long, had 125 miles affected by the oil spill Seals are the most affected sea mammal because they spend most of their time on shores and at the surface of the ocean The oil can destroy a bird’s layer of feathers and can lead to hypothermia if the weather is cold In China alone, 320 million people are without access to clean drinking water Ten facts about water pollution (part 1)
Ten facts about water pollution (part 2) Each year there are about 250 million cases of water-based diseases, resulting in 5 to 10 million deaths Each year 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated water sewage, storm water, and industrial waste are dumped into US water Water quality reports indicate that 45% of US streams, 47% of lakes and 37% of bays are polluted Over 73 kinds of pesticides have been found in US ground water that eventually ends up in our drinking water—unless adequately filtered Every 20 seconds, a child dies from a water-related disease. Children in polluted environments often carry about 1,000 parasite worms in their bodies at any time Ten facts about water pollution (part 2)
Cites and resources about-bp-oil-spill Google Images MS Paint Microsoft PowerPoint Cites and resources