Alignment of Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives and Strategies Universiti Putra Malaysia
Vision Statement The Vision of UPM is to become a university of international repute (Menjadi universiti bereputasi antarabangsa)
Mission Statement The university’s mission is to be a leading center of learning and research, contributing not only towards the creation of wealth and nation building but also towards universal human advancement and discovery of knowledge. Menjadi Pusat Pembelajaran dan Penyelidikan yang utama, yang memberikan sumbangan bukan sahaja kepada pembentukan kekayaan dan pembangunan negara bangsa, tetapi juga kepada kemajuan manusia dan penerokaan ilmu sejagat.
Goals To produce quality graduates who are competitive and resilient (Melahirkan graduan yang berkualiti, berdaya saing dan berusaha untuk terus maju.) To enhance the quality of UPM students through inculcation of soft skills (Memperkasakan pelajar UPM dengan penguasaan kemahiran insaniah.) To transform UPM into a renowned university (Menjadikan UPM sebagai Universiti Penyelidikan yang terkemuka.) To strengthen UPM as a center of excellence in agriculture education and research (Memperkasakan UPM sebagai pusat kecemerlangan pendidikan dan penyelidikan pertanian.) To broaden and strengthen UPM network with industry and society (Meningkatkan jalinan industri dan masyarakat )
To manage human capital and work environment effectively (Mengurus modal insan dan persekitaran kerja dengan cemerlang.) To enhance a quality management system based on good practice To efficiently generate and manage the financial resources of UPM (Menjana dan mengurus sumber kewangan universiti secara cekap dan berkesan. ) To make UPM fully connected based on information and communication technology (Menjadikan universiti terhubung sepenuhnya dengan berasaskan ICT. ) To strengthen UPM through alumni involvement (Memperkasakan UPM melalui Alumni )
Goals and Learning Outcomes To produce quality graduates who are competitive and resilient (1) Learning outcome: social responsibility, research attainment, community involvement, ethical values, and leadership To enhance quality of UPM’s students through inculcation of soft skills (2) Learning outcome: social responsibility, research attainment, community involvement, ethical values, and leadership
To transform UPM into renowned research university (3) Learning outcome: Research attainment and leadership To strengthen UPM as a center of excellence in agriculture education and research (4) Learning outcome: social responsibility, research attainment, community involvement, ethical values, and leadership