A 42-year-old man with bifalcine meningioma A 42-year-old man with bifalcine meningioma.A and B, Axial postcontrast T1-weighted (A) and T2-weighted (B) images show a large enhancing, bifalcine, extra-axial mass.C and D, Catheter angiographic images from selective external carotid artery (C) and inter... A 42-year-old man with bifalcine meningioma.A and B, Axial postcontrast T1-weighted (A) and T2-weighted (B) images show a large enhancing, bifalcine, extra-axial mass.C and D, Catheter angiographic images from selective external carotid artery (C) and internal carotid artery (D) demonstrate abnormal tumor vascularity. The central aspect of the tumor appears to be supplied predominantly by the external carotid artery.E, 2D array of susceptibility-weighted signal intensity time curve over the tumor shows different patterns of signal intensity recovery. The central region of the tumor (yellow shaded area), which is supplied by the external carotid artery, has markedly lower degree of signal intensity recovery than the tumor periphery supplied by the internal carotid artery. S. Cha AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2006;27:475-487 ©2006 by American Society of Neuroradiology