Identification of a ufo1 Candidate Gene from the Mapping Region. Identification of a ufo1 Candidate Gene from the Mapping Region. (A) Mapping region of Ufo1-1 (shown in blue) determined from fine mapping a population of 4032 plants. Marker names are shown on the left, and position is given from B73 RefGenV3. On the right, the number of recombinants found is shown with the total number of plants screened at each marker. (B) RNA-seq data from Ufo1-1 tissues showing the expression levels of genes found within the mapping region relative to the wild type. The lncRNA is upregulated in all Ufo1-1 tissues compared with the wild type (expression is not shown because it lacks a gene model). The gene expression levels are indicated by colors, as shown in the scale below. (C) Identification of Ufo1-1-specific k-mers. The total count of each 25-bp k-mer (25-mer) in all of the Ufo1-1 or wild-type libraries is shown. Biased 25-mers (counts higher than 80% of the total in one genotype or the other) are shown in dark gray, or pink and light blue for GRMZM2G053177 (G7) and the lncRNA, respectively. Ufo1-1-specific 25-mers (passing the strictest filter applied; see Supplemental Figure 2) are shown in red or blue corresponding to GRMZM2G053177 (G7) or the lncRNA, respectively. Kameron Wittmeyer et al. Plant Cell 2018;30:3006-3023 ©2019 by American Society of Plant Biologists