What shall I pack? Reception Term 6 project map Personal, Social and Emotional We’re on the countdown to year 1 so we’ll be thinking about what this means. We’ll be talking about the changes and exciting things to expect from next year. We will visit our new teachers and have a visit from our new Nursery children. Maths We’ll be solving word problems using addition and subtraction. We’ll be counting above and beyond 20. We’ll be trying to group objects into 2s, 5s and 10s. Understanding the World We’ll talk about the holidays we’ve been on and the places we’ve visited. We’ll learn about our capital city and the Royal family. We’ll find out how to use a map and find our own country. We will celebrate Fathers Day and the special people in our lives. What shall I pack? Reception Term 6 project map Physical We’ll be getting ready for sports day in our teams. We’ll be balancing, going through obstacles and competing in running races. Communication & Language We’ll be using our biggest voices to recite our lines in the class assembly. We will talk about how we feel about moving up into year one. We’ll ask questions to our new teachers and work with our Nursery children so they are ready to come into Reception. Expressive Art and Design We’ll be role playing in our beach shops and making playdough ice creams. We’ll sing songs and practise our class assembly ready to showcase our learning later this term. Literacy We’ll be story writing using ‘Once upon a time’. We will use descriptive language and connectives. We’ll try and use ‘because’ to extend our writing. We’ll read our books with expression.