Chapter 1: The mystery of the church in salvation history Lesson 1 Firm Foundation
In class Activity ALL about me Flashcards are being distributed. Write the heading at the very top. Write your name, nickname, favorite foods, music, sport, movie, etc… FILL THE CARD WITH ALL ABOUT YOU! I will assign everyone a partner. Share your cards. Your partner will introduce you to the class.
Firm foundation 1 Peter 2:9-10 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
Let’s think about Peter’s letter… Who or what does Peter describe in that letter? What is the Church? What words do Peter use to describe what the Church is? Royal priesthood, Holy Nation, people of God. What does the letter say is the task of the Church? To worship God and spread the Good News of God’s mercy.
The survival of the Church Roman Emperor Julian “Galilean, you won!” Through out history, there have been many attempts to destroy the Church. Yet, the C.C. remains strong.
Church Numbers Christianity is the world’s largest religion, more than 2 billion people 2/3 of the world’s population. Catholics are the largest group (53%). Only Muslims surpass the numbers of Catholics. Catholics make up about 23% of Americans. The C.C. runs the largest network of private schools.
The word catholic means… UNIVERSAL. The C.C. found throughout the world, appealing to ALL people, in ALL places at ALL times. Open to ALL. NO OUTCASTS.
This is our Church Page 12 of our Book We believe… We accept… We submit… “How firm is your foundation?” Handout #1
Why have the C.C. and Christianity endured? A sociologist might say the C.C. is a well organized institution. Our Truth is Jesus. J.C. established the church and sustains her. Together until the end of time. Page 13 Mt 28:19-20
Church’s mission Before his Ascension, Jesus left his disciples their mission: Preach the Good News Baptize Follow the path of Christ by serving others. Christ’s ongoing presence is the reason the Church prevails.
Why study church history? Trace her history and define her meaning. God continues his work of Salvation through us. Church scandals Media influences many (C.C. is dying, too old fashioned, hypocrites, etc…) We have survived worse. Church is like a hospital that helps sick sinners. We are all sinners.
Why study church history? Church is like family, with faults and shortcomings. We are imperfect, yet still proud. We want to know our story, our roots. Studying the Church can result in deeper understanding and appreciation of the church Jesus founded.
In class activity Write the class heading. Handwritten. Title “Review and Discussion Questions #1 & 2” Write question #1 and answer it. (Write the whole question) Write question #2 and answer it. (Write the whole question) Use your own words from what you learned. INDIVIDUAL WORK. Turn it in to Mrs. Rawls
Strongest Argument against the church Is its history. Most people agree with mission. Quite a few people would disagree with its performance. Hypocrisy… Guilty as charged. Knowing we have and always will fall short, we ask forgiveness. Learn from the past, inside and out. Trust JESUS is with us.
Homework #1 Turned in through Moodle. (Typed) Write the heading. Title is Homework #1 Interview 2 adults. They must be practicing Catholics. Write a small introduction to each person. (Name, age, how do you know them, etc..) Ask them for their definition or description of the Catholic Church. Write their answers.
Catholic High School Name Church History Sra. Rawls Homework #1 Mister John Doe is my uncle. He is 39 years old and has been a practicing Catholic all his life. How do you define Church? Church is …. Miss Jane Doe is my mother’s friend. She is 35 years old and has been a practicing Catholic for 3 years. To me Church is …
In Class project Handwritten. Proper Heading. The Title is Lumen Gentium. Read the First Chapter of Lumen Gentium, the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church. Google Lumen Gentium. Click on the first option. La Santa Sede. Write 5 important statements about the Church from your reading.