Paper 1 Mock 2019 Thursday 25th April: Physics GCSE Combined Science Paper 1 Mock 2019 Thursday 25th April: Physics
Information 1hour 15 mins 70 marks available Content covered in year 10 Provided with 7 equations only. Others need to be recalled from memory 30% mathematical content – must use scientific calculator
Topics that will come up F Tier Focus on these in particular. The rest of the content must also be covered for the real exam. Renewable and non-renewable energy resources Effect of burning fossil fuels on environment GPE and KE Reducing waste energy transfers Wires in a plug and their purpose I-V curves Circuit symbols Particle behaviour in Solids Liquids and Gases Radioactive decay (alpha, beta, gamma) Atomic Structure Density required practical
Preparation is key The results of these mock exams will be used to decide which tier you’ll be entered into (higher or foundation) next May. Please use all the resources on the school website, Show My Homework, Kerboodle and Educake as well as the revision guide and workbooks from the school shop to ensure you reach or surpass your target grade! See your teachers if you need any further support. REVISION DROP-IN SESSIONS Physics: Thursday lunch time in B3 with Mr. Houlston & Mr. Harris Biology: Thursday lunch time in C3 with Miss Mansfield & Mr Osborn Chemistry: Monday lunch time in E3 with Mrs Prasad, Mrs Kitajewski & Mrs Jennings