New direction in clinical trial recruitment Trials Guide Multitrial survey New direction in clinical trial recruitment
Multitrial survey – What is it? Web based recruitment tool for clinical trials One survey contains prescreening requirements for multiple trials User completes web based questionnaire and the system automatically assigns him/her to the most suitable studies Multitrial Survey can be programmed per individual sponsor or used as multi-sponsor/multi-trial patient pre-screening solution
Multitrial survey – how to? Multitrial survey is dedicated to one disease or medical condition Multitrial survey gathers inclusion/exclusion criteria for many trials Many multitrial surveys may be published Patients can check if they fit many trials in one move Exclusion from one trial over multitrial survey completion does not stop the process as patient may qualify for the others
Multitrial survey – how to? Q3. Do you smoke? Yes No Q4. Do you have Ulcerative Colitis? Q6. Do you suffer from a severe liver disease? Q7. Have you ever been taking corticosteroids? Q1. Sex M F Q2. DOB MM DD YYYY Q5. What is your BMI? Multitrial Survey Q1. Sex M F Q2. DOB MM DD YYYY Q3. Do you smoke? Yes No Q5. What is your BMI? Q4. Are you diagnozed with asthma? Q6. Do you have lactose intolerance? Q7. Have you ever been taking corticosteroids? Q3. Do you smoke? Yes No Q4. Do you have Ulcerative Colitis? Q6. Do you suffer from a severe liver disease? Q7. Have you ever been taking corticosteroids? Q1. Sex M F Q2. DOB MM DD YYYY Q5. What is your BMI? Q3. Do you smoke? Yes No Q7. Have you ever been taking corticosteroids? Q1. Sex M F Q2. DOB MM DD YYYY Q5. What is your BMI? Q3. Do you smoke? Yes No Q4. Do you have Ulcerative Colitis? Q7. Have you ever been taking corticosteroids? Q1. Sex M F Q2. DOB MM DD YYYY Survey merger Q3. Do you smoke? Yes No Q4. Do you have Ulcerative Colitis? Q6. Do you suffer from a severe kidney disease? Q7. Have you ever been taking corticosteroids? Q1. Sex M F Q2. DOB MM DD YYYY Q5. What is your height? Trial 3 Q8. Are you diagnozed with asthma? Yes No Q9. Do you suffer from a severe kidney disease? Yes No 21 questions in 3 trials Q10. Have you ever been taking corticosteroids? Yes No 10 question in Multitrial survey and the same data collected
Multitrial survey – case study Business case in numbers 29 - trials for diabetes - marged into one multitrial survey 419 - total number of questions in the 29 trials 50 – average # of questions user answered to check qualification to all trials How the questions could be reduced to such a low number? Advanced hierarchical logic designed to remove irrelevant questions Dedicated algorythm to dynamic selection of questions based on previous answers Dubbled question asked ones
Trial Qualification flow Internet user starts survey anonimously Select disease Matching multitrial survey form is displayed Answers result in gradual exclusions or inclusions to clinical trials Completion of survey gives a list of trials to which the user qualifies The user may select interesting trials and register
Adding new trial to survey New trial registration Select and/or add new questions Select multitrial survey you want your trial to be included Place the trial questions in the survey hierarchy. Define exclusion/inclusion answers New trial questions show up in the survey The trial name is on the trails qualification status list The system is ready for recruting to the new trial
Why You Need Multitrial Survey Potential patients can register, complete one of multiple surveys in an anonymized fashion, but once confirmed suitable for particular study, would be provided with appropriate contact details (in full compliance with GDPR) Multiple languages available – ability to use tool trully globally Unique logic architecture applied to reduce volume of questions required to assess patients suitability for multiple clinical studies
Multitrial survey Clinical Trials Guide Contact us: SGA, 20-828 Lublin Ul. Lędzian 86, Poland +48 506 196 888