Welcome to the Brodhead Memorial Public Library and the SCLS All Directors Meeting!
SCLS Administration and Consulting Services 2020 Budgets Highlights Starting in 2015, SCLS achieved its goal of eliminating dependency on contingency funds to balance the SCLS budget. The goal in 2020 is to continue to maintain the overall SCLS Administration and Consulting Services budgets at a consistent level that maximizes service to our members while minimizing any potential impact on member fees.
Administration and Consulting Services Revenue SUBPROGRAM/ ITEM/ACCOUNT CODE 2019 BUDGET 2020 BUDGET CHANGE FROM 2019 STATE AIDS - 4010 $2,199,966.00 $0.00 INTEREST INCOME – 4030/4040 $26,000.00 $26,200.00 $200.00 INTEREST/DIVIDENDS FIXED INC PORTFOLIO- 4041 $35,000.00 $43,000.00 $8,000.00 INTEREST/DIVIDENDS CD ACCOUNT- 4042 $8,500.00 $14,700.00 $6,200.00 WLA RENT - 4220 $27,395.42 $28,491.24 $1,095.82 CONSULTING SERVICES FEES- 4280 FOUNDATION ADMIN FEES- 4290 $13,000.00 $15,000.00 $2,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE $2,309,861.42 $2,327,357.24 $17,495.82
Administration and Consulting Services Revenue Most Administration and Consulting Services revenue sources are projected to increase in 2020, with the most significant increases coming in the form of projected interest income. Interest Income: $14,400.00 WLA Rent: $1,095.82 Foundation Admin Fees: $2,000.00 Total increase in revenue projected for 2020: $17,495.82
Consulting Expenses SUBPROGRAM/ ITEM/ACCOUNT CODE 2019 BUDGET CHANGE FROM 2019 STAFF SALARIES AND WAGES - 5510 $18,001.34 $18,181.36 $180.02 STAFF SALARIES AND WAGES - 5710 $196,459.78 $200,865.82 $4,406.04 CONTRACTED PRINTING SERVICES - 5740 $2,000.00 $0.00 SUPPLIES - 5750 $600.00 COPIER LEASE & IN-HOUSE PRINTING - 5760 $21,000.00 STAFF SALARIES AND WAGES - 6010 $259,821.13 $263,531.57 $3,710.44 TRAVEL AND CONT. ED. EXPENSES - 6040 $36,888.00 MILEAGE EXPENSES-6050 $19,000.00 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT EXP-6060 $2,287.50 DIGITIZATION EXPENSES-6070 $5,287.50 $3,000.00 CONTRACTED TRAINING & CONSULTATION - 7010 $15,000.00 PROFESSIONAL MATERIALS - 7030 SUBSCRIPTIONS - 7050 $3,250.00 $3,523.00 $273.00 MEM LIB PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - 7070 MEETING SUPPLIES - 7090 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $500.00 YOUTH LITERACY SUPPLEMENTS-7430 $31,275.00 SLP PRINTING AND SUPPLIES - 7450 $4,100.00 C &Y A/SPECIAL NEEDS MATERIALS - 7470 $4,500.00 EXPERIMENTAL SERVICES FOR LIBRARIES - 7475 $10,000.00 TOTAL CONSULTING EXPENSES $650,470.25 $662,539.75 $12,069.50
Administration Expenses SUBPROGRAM/ ITEM/ACCOUNT CODE 2019 BUDGET 2020 BUDGET CHANGE FROM 2019 OUT-OF-SYSTEM INTERLOAN - 5310 $29,757.00 $28,490.17 -$1,266.83 ONLINE CONTENT AND MEMBERSHIPS - 5320 $43,823.00 $44,808.00 $985.00 STAFF SALARIES AND WAGES - 7610 $241,510.50 $245,797.90 $4,287.40 FACILITY - HQ - 7650 $234,499.00 $239,055.00 $4,556.00 SUPPLIES - 7655 $3,000.00 $4,500.00 $1,500.00 SCLS TELEPHONE - 7670 $9,700.00 $9,500.00 -$200.00 POSTAGE - 7680 $800.00 $0.00 BOARD TRAVEL & EXP & MEMBERSHIPS - 7690 $4,775.00 $4,700.00 -$75.00 HEALTH INSURANCE (Admin and Consult) $130,165.00 $122,588.89 -$7,576.11 INCOME CONTINUATION INSURANCE (Admin and Consult) DENTAL INSURANCE (Admin and Consult) $9,666.00 $10,438.64 $772.64 LIFE INSURANCE (Admin and Consult) $4,598.00 $4,751.32 $153.32 WISCONSIN RETIREMENT – 7710 (Admin and Consult) $50,105.00 $48,801.24 -$1,303.76 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE (FICA) – 7720 (Admin and Consult) $54,758.00 $55,720.82 $962.82 WORKERS COMP AND GENERAL INS - 7730 $16,930.00 $11,658.00 -$5,272.00 UNEMPLOYMENT - 7735 $2,500.00 $2,000.00 -$500.00 AUDIT - 7740 $19,000.00 CONTRACTED SERVICES HQ - 7745 $29,852.26 $24,547.00 -$5,305.26 BOOKKEEPING - 7750 $8,500.00 $9,300.00 FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCT FEES - 7751 $1,000.00 $1,250.00 $250.00 SCLS COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SUPPLIES - 7752 $21,000.00 SCLS OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND REPAIRS - 7760 FBB FIXED INC. PORTFOLIO FEES - 7771 $10,100.00 $10,000.00 -$100.00 FBB CD ACCOUNT FEES - 7772 $1,265.00 $1,300.00 $35.00 BANK SERVICE FEES - 8011 -$700.00 LEGAL FEES-8015 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES $931,303.76 $925,306.98 -$5,996.78
Consulting Services Expenses Administration and Consulting Services Expenses Increases in Consulting expenses are primarily related to salaries and digitization expenses, while Administration expenses are actually decreasing. This is primarily due to insurance premiums and contracted services coming in lower than expected in 2019. Consulting Services Expenses will have an overall increase of $12,069.50: Salaries (Maintaining 2 New Positions, Step Increases, 1% Increase): $8,296.50 Digitization Expenses for Indus Scanner: $3,000.00 Subscriptions and Meeting Supplies: $773.00 Administration Expenses will have an overall decrease of : $5,996.78 Out of System Inter-loan/Online Content and Memberships: -$281.83 Facility: $4,556.00 Salaries/Benefits (1% Increase, FICA, WRS): $3,946.46 Health/ICI/Dental/Life Insurance: -$6,650.15 Worker’s Comp Insurance/Unemployment: -$5,772.00 Contracted Services: -$5,305.26 Bookkeeping/FSA/Portfolio and Banking Fees: $285 Supplies/Postage/Computers and Equipment/Other: $3,225 Total Increase in projected 2020 Administration and Consulting Expenses: $6,072.72
Administration and Consulting Services Summary Total Increase in Revenue: $17,495.82 - Total Increase in Expenses: $6,072.72 Difference: $11,423.10 Budget Summary: The combination of increased interest income, WLA rent and Foundation administration income, along with the reduction in insurance and contractual costs will more than fund any salary/benefit and general operating expense increases. Goal: Maintain the overall SCLS Administration and Consulting Services budgets at a consistent level that maximizes service to our members while minimizing any potential impact on member fees.
General Carryover Fund Planned use of General/Delivery Carryover funds in 2019: 1 Delivery Van and 1 Delivery Truck ($86,000) Delivery Bins ($5,000) Delivery Carts ($6,000) Phone/Video Conferencing Equipment ($21,375) This will leave the General/Delivery fund at a beginning 2020 balance of approximately $830,000. Per the SCLS Carryover Policy: A portion of the general fund (approximately $500,000) must be maintained to cover outstanding liabilities. The remainder (approximately $330,000) may be allocated to fund projects, purchase materials/equipment, finance system/county consolidation efforts or any other use deemed appropriate by SCLS or the Board of Trustees to be of member or system benefit.