February 22, 2018 Hosted by Pulford Community Living Services CLDS Day Services Status Update and Future Work Information Session for Day Services Providers February 22, 2018 Hosted by Pulford Community Living Services
Purpose and Scope The Purpose of Today’s Presentation and Discussion Today’s forum is intended to provide you with: An update regarding the implementation of the new Day Services funding guidelines in July 2017 The process for supporting new entrants in July 2018 Information on the next two phases of the changes to Day Services An opportunity to ask questions and share ideas about the current state and future direction of Day Services Contact information should you have follow-up questions
New Day Services Funding Guidelines July 2017 Roll-Out In 2017, approximately 330 CLDS participants across the province turned 21 and became eligible for day services on July 2nd. Of those, 176 participants chose to access day services. As at February 20, 2018, 16 requests for a day services exception review had been submitted. 12 were approved 4 were not approved Two individuals each made two requests: Individual A: Both requests were approved. Individual B: First request was denied. Second was approved.
July 2018 Implementation Definition of New Entrants IN SCOPE OUT OF SCOPE New Graduates: CLDS participants graduating from school at age 21 in the 2018 calendar year. New CLDS Participants: Individuals older than age 21 and eligible for CLDS for the first time. Existing CLDS Participants New to Day Services: CLDS participants receiving other services (e.g. residential, respite) and who will be receiving day services for the first time. Existing CLDS Participants Experiencing a Change in Need: CLDS participants who are receiving day services but requesting a change to their service plan due to changing needs. All Other Existing CLDS Participants: CLDS participants currently receiving day services who will not be experiencing a change to their service plan.
July 2018 Implementation Breakdown of CLDS Participants by Region For 2018, the program is anticipating that 333 CLDS participants across the province will turn 21 and become eligible for day services on July 2nd. Of those turning 21, it is anticipated that 170 to 180 participants will choose to access day services. Region # CLDS Participants Turning 21 Central 26 Eastman 38 Interlake 17 Northern 11 Parkland 7 Westman 24 Winnipeg 210 Total 333
July 2018 Implementation SIS Assessment Completion Rate by Region The SIS team has prioritized completing SIS assessments for all participants who will become eligible for day services in July 2018. As of January 15, 2018, just over 50% of individuals had participated in a SIS assessment.
July 2018 Implementation Process for Supporting New Entrants Process for new entrants accessing day services: Individual completes a SIS interview A Supports Budget Level is calculated CLDS distributes information package to individual Individual/support team engages with CSW to: Review SIS results (important “to” and “for”) Review the Supports Budget Level (1 through 7) Commence Service Planning Conversation with Corresponding Per Diem Funding (Personal Supports Budget) Engage in a Person-Centred Planning process (includes connecting with prospective service provider) Day Service plan is confirmed; service provider submits confirmation of funding (e.g. Funding Proposal with Personal Supports Budget) to CSW.
July 2018 Implementation Planning Without a Supports Budget Level If a Supports Budget Level has not been determined, CLDS will rely on the professional judgement of the CSW and the service provider to determine the most appropriate participant: staff ratio to support that individual given the information available. Once the participant: staff ratio has been agreed upon, the corresponding per diem provided in the guidelines can be temporarily approved for up to six months. The funding amount will be reviewed once the SIS assessment is completed.
Changes to Day Services Phase 2: Manitoba Education and Training and Families Under Manitoba Education and Training (MET), a new Workforce Development Agreement has been negotiated with the federal government that will provide funding to support employment-focused services for persons with a disability. Department of Families and MET established a Joint Working Group to explore services that will promote employment outcomes for Manitobans experiencing barriers to accessing employment. The Joint Working Group is exploring opportunities to leverage the federal funding to offer innovative employment-focussed programming and opportunities for individuals with an intellectual disability leaving the school system upon graduation.
Changes to Day Services Phase 3: Adopting an Employment First Approach to Day Services In partnership with the agencies participating on the Day Services Review Advisory Committee, CLDS has been tasked with: Developing an Employment First policy statement Identifying the employment-focussed service models that will be supported Developing service definitions for these models Developing a funding model that incentivizes employment-focussed services Aligning outcome measures with the work being led by Abilities Manitoba The goal is to begin implementation in the spring of 2019.
Changes to Day Services Phase 3: Service Models and Employment Outcomes The Gold Standard: Competitive Employment in the Community Full integration in a community-based work setting Individual receives a competitive wage (minimum wage or higher) and benefits Opportunities for career advancement, professional development, skills training are available Employer is not the support provider Time limited support provided from a paid support worker Daily support provided by co-workers, supervisor and others at the place of employment
Changes to Day Services Phase 3: Service Models and Employment Outcomes Social Enterprises Long-term employment AND/OR Short-term training opportunity Service provider must also function as business owner Agency as both employer and support provider Rate of compensation for participants? Potentially a place of employment for others in the community?
Changes to Day Services Phase 3: Service Models and Employment Outcomes Other service models currently supported in the province: Work Experience (Time Limited) Project SEARCH, Lunch Bell Café Facility-Based Work Contract Work (Agency has a contract to produce goods/services) Project Work (Agency has in-house projects to support its operations) Volunteer Opportunities in the Community Self Employment When incentivizing service models, it is important to consider the differences between rural, northern and urban communities.
Changes to Day Services Phase 3: Investing in Strategies that will Promote Employment First Recruiting and Retaining Staff Position descriptions and rate of compensation for DSWs hired to provide job coaching, job mentoring, and support to employers Engaging with the Business Community Making the business case for hiring a person with a disability Expanding Natural Support Networks Public Awareness Increasing work expectations amongst: Individuals and Families School System Business Community Society
Changes to Day Services Phase 3: Questions for Discussion How will we support individuals who are capable of working, but choose not to? Does person-centred mean choice without parameters? How do we pursue the gold standard of fully integrated, competitive employment in those communities with limited community-based employment opportunities? What service models are we prepared to support? Are there some service models that should end? If yes, what does transitioning away from those models look like? What are the implications of potentially paying DSWs who deliver employment supports (e.g. job coach) a higher wage than other DSWs?
Questions Please ask any questions or share comments. If you wish to follow-up after today’s sessions, please contact: Andrea Thibault-McNeill, Manager Strategic Projects and Agency Relations andrea.thibault-mcneill@gov.mb.ca or (204) 945-6131 Thank you.