SPINlab design EUWATHER June 2016
Questions What is the socio-economic potential of the cultural heritage along minor rivers corridors and historic canals and how can this potential be used to improve regional and economic development? What are the social benefits arising from renewed attention to multiple functionalities of minor hydrography networks? How can innovative technologies (mobile apps and SDI – Spatial Data Infrastructure) consolidate and improve new perceptions about waterscapes and their related hydraulic heritage? How can innovative technologies improve eco-tourism practices and environmental culture? How might aesthetic values, recreational opportunities, educational and bio-ecological issues be included in multifunctional river planning and design? Can an ecosystem services approach combined with the management of cultural heritage contribute to the sustainable regeneration of the physical assets of secondary waterways?
The potential relevance of the EUWATHER project outcomes includes: The consideration of natural and cultural heritage along rivers and canals engaging urban sprawl, loss of biodiversity, problems of riparian environments and changes in waterscapes’ perceptions; The creation of a database (web portal) on the minor hydrography of 4 European pilot regions that can be consulted free and open to public access through a specific website; A communication toolbox (as part of an SDI and an APP for Smartphones) based on geospatial technologies, designed to meet the interests of both local people and tourists, aimed to value the cultural and artistic heritage connected to minor rivers/canals and all related forms of water civilizations Re-evaluation of smaller and abandoned European hydrography with an innovative cooperation work between researchers, stakeholders and public partners Outcomes
Research WP Digital WP Dissemination WP Management WP SPINlab
- Research activities related to Research Work Plan include: Research on artistic, architectural, historical literature about minor waterways’ heritage artefacts (including buildings, dams ports, bridges, warehouses…) and heritage collections (museums, archives, etc.) Selection of sites and artefacts based on their cultural, historical and geographical significance, in consultation with academic experts (historians, art and architecture historians, museum curators, anthropologists, cultural geographers) and stakeholders. Determining the information structure for the metadata of the selected sites/artefacts, in consultation with the developers and technicians of the SDI (linked to point 1 of the research activity related to Digital WP). Gathering (cataloguing) the structured information of the selected sites/artefacts. Sharing of the CSS method (Cooperative Stories Spiral) and preparation of the selected oral histories. Preparation of a methods toolbox and knowledge transfer to stakeholders and other third parties.
- Research activities related to Digital Work Plan include: Identification of the need for integrated information in the 4 EUWATHER pilot regions, systemic gathering of the information (images and texts), and functional requirements of the infrastructure. Ensuring that the infrastructure gives access to data-sets required for the project. To this end, it aims to design and implement an information model that: (2a) identifies geo-datasets relevant to this research domain; (2b) constructs a metadata catalogue for these sets; (2c) ensures that it is technically possible to access the data; (2d) ensures that researchers are allowed to use the data. Implementing the SDI with the technical capabilities and developing friendly end-user interfaces according to the user requirements defined in point 1 and the technical requirements defined in point 2. Developing functionalities where the PIs can present research results interactively and where also other researchers can reuse the newly developed models to create data within the SDI. By making use of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) of existing mapping services (ESRI, ArcGIS) the infrastructure will support data communication with multiple social media services (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram). Care for the long-term sustainability and awareness among the different PIs. To ensure continuity initial contracts will be signed with data providers and a service host(s) for a minimum of 3 years after the end of the funding period. These agreements can later be prolonged. This point thus delivers both the initial security and long-term flexibility that is required to make the infrastructure a valuable tool for the future.
EUWATHER Mobile application SDI Profesional Profesional Tourist 2. An innovative Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) to support both local recreation and eco- tourism practices: it is the first digital tool of this kind (SDI with related Apps for Smartphones and Tablets) dedicated expressly to the European secondary hydrography EUWATHER SDI Mobile application Profesional Profesional Tourist Tourist Topographical data; Tangible heritage; Intangible heritage; Itineraries (9). The App will be oriented and offered to local people, holiday-makers and tourists visiting the waterscapes. For these purposes, the communication channels of the stakeholders will intensively be used, like websites, magazines, tourist offices, tourist information, desks of provinces, communities, water boards, and water recreation businesses. At the same time, special attention is dedicated to local communities and stakeholders, in order to enhance the recognition, revitalisation and regeneration of water-landscapes and hydraulic heritage through an exciting and innovative context for knowledge exchange generated by sustainable mobility and new technologies.
Google Maps Mobile application VRE Leiden Author/Creator Keywords Title Name Picture Width File Size URL Path Year Material Size Collection/Owner Inventory number Typology Type of object Represented gl Physical gl Different present function Accessibility Sources Historical/sociological context Remarks Author of this record Title in original language Description Physical gl Longitude Physical gl Latitude Physical gl Place name Represented gl Longitude Represented gl Latitude Represented gl Place name Item Type Path Google Database idem Google Maps Mobile application