Feedback from the Temple Town Meeting MEIC Accelerator R&D Meeting Sept. 18, 2014
NSAC Long Range Plan Town Meetings EIC Users Meeting June 24-27, Stony Brook U. Computational Nuclear Physics July 14-15, SURA Education and Innovation, Aug. 6-8, NSCL, Michigan State U. Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics, August 21-23 Texas A&M U. Phases of QCD (Relativistic Heavy Ion) & QCD and Hadron Physics, Sept 13-15, Temple U. Fundamental Symmetries, Sept 28-29, Chicago O’Hare
QCD and Hadron Physics Town Meeting Haiyan Gao (Duke University) co-chair Craig Roberts (Argonne National Lab) co-chair Stan Brodsky (SLAC) Abhay Deshpande (SBU) Bob McKeown (JLab) Curtis Meyer (CMU) David Richards (JLab) Feng Yuan (LBNL)
QCD and Hadron Physics Town Meeting Charge to the Speakers: The goal of these Town Meetings is to gather forceful arguments in support of our field of research that can be included in the Long Range Plan and thereby used to define and secure the future of Nuclear Physics in the USA. We expect that all plenary presentations describe selected highlights of the past seven years but also identify the key questions and plausible paths to solutions that should define our next decade. Presentations of this nature will document seven years of success and describe a vision for our future that will enable our Committees to write the White Papers from which the Long Range Plan will be fashioned.
Structure of the Joint QCD Town Meeting Three day meeting, two days in parallel, one day joint between Phases of QCD & QCD and Hadron Physics Participation: Phases of QCD – 102 QCD and Hadron Physics - 136 Large emphasis on EIC in joint part of meeting 4 invited presentations 4 contributed small presentations large discussion session vote on EIC recommendation unanimous!
Draft EIC Recommendation The Electron Ion Collider (EIC) will, for the first time, precisely image the gluons and sea quarks in the proton and nuclei, resolve the proton’s internal structure including the origin of its spin, and explore a new QCD frontier of ultra-dense gluon fields in nuclei at high energy. These advances are made possible by the EIC’s unique capability to collide polarized electrons with polarized protons and light ions at unprecedented luminosity and electrons with heavy nuclei at high energy. EIC will be absolutely essential to maintain U.S. leadership in fundamental nuclear physics research in the coming decades. Recommendation: A high luminosity, high-energy polarized Electron Ion Collider (EIC) is the highest priority of the U.S. QCD community for new construction. new construction after FRIB future construction
Recommendations from QCD and Hadron Physics Our highest priority recommendation is the completion of construction and robust operation of the 12 GeV CEBAF facility at Jefferson Lab, along with targeted instrumentation investments such as the MOLLER and SoLID projects, to fully realize its scientific potential. Recommendation 2: EIC Recommendation 3: RHIC-Spin, FNAL/Drell-Yan, HIgS – endorse opportunities Recommendation 4: Theory & Computation increase